Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Grand Return? ;D
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Hey all! Yeah...most of you probably don't recognize me...but I spent about six months on this server over the summer. Took a break when the server reset to lich king...then a Vista update broke all my wow files so I reset to just one single version for retail.
Yep, I still play retail.
But lately I've missed the call of Roleplay and just can't find a place like this.

So...I make my grand return.

And a question for the GMs... I did make an Intro back when the server reset...obviously as you can tell by my name color. My question I still have a server account with which to log in? Or do I need to clicky the button and do it again?
Welcome back person I do not know.
The easiest way to see if your server account still exists would be to simply try logging in. If it fails, you don't have any account. ;)
That's a...really good idea -facedesk-
Logic and me don't always...mesh?
I shall fiddle with files and try that right away. x3
Welcome back then!
Yay Nostra :D

I missed scary as that thought is.. Lol.