Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The World of Warcraft Mary Sue Litmus Test
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My score for Gerwocket is 4!
My score for Khardun is 2!
My score for Roobald is -4!
Haha! It seems that I´m holding the achievement of most Mary-Sue on the server!

Salem got a 13?
Henry scored a 2...

I was expecting higher o.o I've come across this test before.
Mist got a 7
And Shadow got a 6 xD
Not sure how that one goes, but yep. Fun fun, lol.
Khal'Ali: 0 or 2 depending if you view the apostrophe useless given the Orcish culture.
My Jacky got a 1 and Faeren got a -3, though I think I will go through again because that seems a little too low for a belfy...
This was an interesting little thingy.
Gricca scored a 6, which I found surprisingly high. But I'm still a non-sue so yay!
Ireni scored a 7, also surprisingly high but still in Non territory. Huh!
For non but Hahaue. I can't answer the first section,
None of the questions fit the description to how I came to name my characters.

(This post shall be edited to contain my scores later on)
Cil : -3 (As expected, a high addiction to Tinkering she will never come over)
Hahaue : 4 (Personally considered to be my most Mary Sue like character)
Fanesa : 4 (Was expected she's both bad sighted and mute)
Dreoza : -1 (Only because she had a gift for being a druid when not allowed)

My old old char on Retail. one that has been RPed more then all my others combined.

Minoco : 66
(Oh my, how amusing, I done nearly all things you can imagine on her. this it the result)
Out casted by the Naaru, fel infection to the eye (nice long term that was)
Bounty Huntress, Abandoning of the light.
Cultist ritualist. Evil Mastermind. Pure divine goodness. She been it all xD
Oh those where the fun years.
-1 for Terant
5 for Aleina
Saanto hasn't really been developed enough to test yet.

Yay! No Mary Sues for me! Has anyone tried any Twilight characters yet? LOL
Swyll got a 9, very close but still a non sue. =3

Wasn't really suprised at my score due to being a belf. xD
Tarania: -2
Therai: 12
Iskula: 0
Nephilious: -2
Aenyris: 4

Therai broke the bell curve.
I tried Batman: 33
Einhander Wrote:I tried Batman: 33

I bought the movies and toys, so he is a success, regardless.

Korbas is -1 by the way. -HE- doesn't have action figures, DOES he?!
Alia scored a 19! It's the Death Knight. More to come as I do the test more.
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