Conquest of the Horde

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Oh Lord. . .

Sorry for double-posting, but...

In the wiki, it still says:
Quote:Conquest of the Horde is a private World of Warcraft server dedicated to roleplaying.

I think it's an April Fools @_@

Unless it's going to be updated D:
Hahaha, a good one, really!
That was absolutely beautiful. Wow.
Oh my god I actually almost had a small heart attack. @_@
Kretol you pay for my medical bills if I keel over x.x

Stupid April fools day XP
Hats off to you Sir. That was the first April Fool's Joke I fell for in years.
I am still having trouble breathing.
Woah, I almost fell for this. My reaction went somewhat a bit like this...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO--Oh wait, April fools. 'XDface.'
I still say you should release the grues.
I am happy to say I wasn't fooled :) Was actually expecting a 'fools topic when I came home from colllege
Good thing Kret talked about it as we were roasting marshmallows around my campfire.
My lolcannons have fired with such reckless abandon at this that I believe I have damaged myself. Nice one Kretol, and happy April Fool's day to all at CotH

...someone call Theik, though. Cannon five is doing some really wierd stuff right now...
I support this change! I will delete all of my characters and replace them with a night elf warlock named-

Oh you.
Okay, you know, I didn't want to have to do this, but since you are making the server soley PvP, I'm going to have to take off the gloves from Rensin, and make damn sure that you Horde scum don't come anywhere near Stormwind, which I am not claiming and renaming Rensonia. Reason being, is that because honestly, I'm going to cheat my ass off and use my GM powers every chance I get.

Game on Kretol. Game on.
...This Cressy does not like this joke.

Har, har, har.

...I'll get you Kretol.
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