Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: "A library is a hospital for the mind”
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I thought of this idea last night. I downloaded GHI and immediately fell in love with the ability to make books!

So! Since it would be in my main character's character (Hania) to write, I'm thinking about writing several books throughout my stay here on this server.

Some ideas for books would be encyclopedias of the wildlife that would describe appearance, territories they can be found, type of leather you can skin etc. Same would go for the plantlife, what they look like, their uses, their locations, and the herbalism level you would need to harvest them.

But on the much more creative side, I'm thinking about writing books that would almost serve as a sort of scripture for the way of the Druid and/or Shaman, books that would serve as a journal of Hania's life so there would be a record if I ever decide to end his life IC. Maybe even a few books that serve to teach a moral or ethical value, though not obvious so the reader can take out of it what they want as is done with a lot of stories today.

I think this is a great idea, and would absolutely love to put these books together IC.

What do you think?
I got the addon, it's fantastic.

I'm now really tempted to have a character who's an Author... maybe Deh'yo?

But back on topic! I say you go for it! ;) No harm can come of it, and it can provide some players with a good read.
I am actually going to do the same, though I´ll mainly just copy-paste some stuff from my Epehemeral items before doing anything new.
I believe books are a great way to further the RP experience. Atleast that's the feeling I got when Krodak (my pre-WoTLK Orc) wrote his "Hat Buk".

T'was a great time, heh.
Nice to see I've already received some positive feedback!

Anyone who would like to help with the project is more than welcome to, and if anyone who is doing similar projects would like my assistance in anything, feel free to ask me. :D