Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Intro for a new guy.
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Well, hello! I have to post one of these introductions and here is mine! After reading through the rules, FAQ's, and regulations, I can easily agree with everything in there. I can't say I disagree with any of it, in fact, I wish the actual World of Warcraft game had rules like some of the ones in there. So yes, I /Agree

I heard about this server by simply searching Google. I know it seems pretty standard, but I was desperate for a very nice RP server and then I found this! I hope it's as good as it sounds!

Ever since I began playing the Warcraft series, I loved to imagine myself in those situations. "What if I WAS thrall?" I would think to myself at times. Or my absolute favorite "If I were a paladin, I would be the best paladin ever! And this is how it would go: (insert situation)"

My friends got me into Warcraft originally, he would play a lot on his laptop and I would watch, but then of course I picked it up and got much better than him at it. Then, of course, when the World of Warcraft came out, I instantly fell in love with Roleplaying. But the RP servers really aren't that great.

I've got to admit that my absolute favorite race+class, is Human Paladin. Probably because I can truly relate with them. Not so much the Paladin part, but the Human part. I always feel a sort of connection when something happens to my Human. Then again, I also really love Tauren Druids. Simply because they're so...well, BIG. Like me! I'm almost exactly like a Tauren. Stubborn, tall, well...Let's just say there's "More to love" Those are just my two favorite classes also.

Well, my favorite kind of character to play is a understudy, if that makes sense. Sort of like with the Lich king and Death Knights, I like that style of character.

My favorite kind of RP is Imperialistic military style RP. I really like being a soldier to a dark king who has manipulated me into believing his every word. The rush of willingly knowing I might have to sacrifice my life in order to keep the kings empire strong is the greatest. /salute, /kneel, /bow, are all things I like to have to use.

Outside I have lots of hobbies. I play Bagpipes, I play in my Marching Band, and I LOVE to go hunting.

Well, technically, I was born in Russia, but my parents moved to the U.S.A when I was still barely 2 years old. I grew up in English schools around English people, all that good stuff. So I'd say my grammar is normal, if not above average. I live on the east coast, down in the south. So if anything, I might type with more country style more than a foreign style.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this, I very much so hope I get accepted and am allowed to play on the server!
Bagpipe, huh? That's pretty awesome. Welcome to the server.