Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: <Insert Something Witty Here>, an Introduction!
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?

Of course! Read and reread, ready to abide by them!

2. How did you hear about us?

I've been looking for a Roleplay server to play on over a variety of games. (Neverwinter Nights, Ultima Online, some silly free MMOs like perfect world [which would not install.]) I've been bitten by the RP bug since I've quit my subscription to WoW for several reasons.

3. How did you get into RP?

My first Roleplay experience was sometime when I was thirteen or fourteen, one of the two. Was going through chapter one in Neverwinter Nights as a GM with another player. As I was spawning plenty of tables in their way to form a wall, they responded with an emote. It struck my curiousity, and so I was born into a world of Roleplay having a meaning instead of something to have a G stuck at the end. I found an Ultima Online freeshard where my character was sired by a vampire in an amazing event, to which I still remember!

4. How did you get into Warcraft?

I played Warcraft: Orcs and Humans early on. It was only recently that I found out the wizard in that cave I killed was Medivh! Man, what a revelation that was. After that, I devoured every bit of warcraft lore I could find on the wiki page. I started playing World of Warcraft shortly after it came out, as I was both hooked to the Warcraft universe (WCIII was amazing, DoBRP took me into the hours of the morning with empty cans of dew everywhere.) and MMORPGs like Dark Age of Camelot. Although I never actually roleplayed on that one, which was odd.

5. What is your favorite race/class?

Orc, Human, / Warlock. Each has its own lore and cosmetic reasons I just can't turn down. Orcs have those absolutely huge shoulders, not to mention the hatred of demons. Orc Warlocks are an amazing example of fight fire with a blowtorch. I can't imagine an Orc who felt the corruption of demonic blood not hating demons. Enslaving their former masters and forcing them to kill their kin is the ultimate revenge I could imagine.

Humans have the ability to be just as corrupt and vile as even demons most foul! Half the nobility of Stormwind must make even Kiljaeden jealous! Its only natural for me to enforce that with my own little gift wrapped in shadows with a fleshy ribbon bow! But, thats just my excuse for having two favorite races with the same class, even if they all have different reasons for walking the same path.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
The plotter, the manipulater, the man who tries to twist most situations to his own gain. Also I've fallen in love with the backstory of my human warlock, and all of the years of effort and fun I've had developing it with others on the live realms. With all of that information and history, I've grown quite fond of sharing it with anyone willing to lend an ear! A stein of ale or even a copper coin would be all the toll required to weave a story together out of history both true and tale.

Also, you should know that on the Mary Sue test, I got a 27. I was blown away, because I picked everything that described a warlock in my mind. If thats an issue I'll be interested to hear the details in a PM. (Hehe)

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?

Spontaneous, although planning is always nice as well. I've been hosting plenty of storytelling events in the past few weeks I was on live for, in hopes my character would live on while offline.
So... err.. events and spontaneous! Oh, I almost forgot before posting. But I love manipulating other characters like a puppetmaster. Also, being manipulated and subdued by a greater mind and power is already great roleplay as well. No one is the strongest character, having someone to answer to can be great fun. I had a slave character in my Age of Conan guild who was an absolute blast to play so long as its with the right people!

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?

Well, I enjoy reading and I love my cat Puff and Stuff. My parents named him, as both Puff the Magic Dragon and H.R. Puff and Stuff were both before my day. So taking care of him and watchin' tv might be as far as hobbies would go. I'm not sure if having a girlfriend could be considered a hobby. I can lick the tip of my nose with my tongue?

I can eat an entire box of hostess cupcakes without milk.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

I'm proud to say USA, although I'll leave my political beliefs at home while I'm in Azeroth!

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

I suppose this is my final say before I'm thrown to the mercy of others. Know that although my introduction isn't as amazing or as flashy as others, I acknowledge I've said all I need to say here and above. I agree with all of the terms and conditions set, and I have read the rules. I agree to them too. And here we go, submitting now!
Puff and Stuff? That's an awesome name. Welcome!