Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The solution to enginerring?
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To those who ALSO try to level up engineering, its probably a well known glitch/bug that at points in engineering, you can't level up further than possibly could..
For instance, say I had 250 engineering, with a max of 300, and I continue skilling it up, even on items that are orange, and always grant skillups. The point wont be granted to the person, and the materials are used up, but the item is created.

Appearantly, resetting the skill itself fixes the problem.

After numerous whines and complains in LFG, Kretol, after returning from AFK, was able to reset my engineering skill by removing and resetting it back to its original value, (In my case it was 285), and I started being able to skill up once again.

So removal and restoring of a profession supposedly solves the problem.

I don't know if it will help anyone or not, merely posting to be informal on the situation for those in the same boat.

(Edited for kretol)
Quote:Bunderdone wrote:
After numerous whines and complains, Kretol took away my engineering skill, and regave it to me back to where I was in progress...
Due to this having the potential of being taken out of context, I'll rewrite it for you.
Quote:After numerous whines and complains in LFG, once Kretol returned from AFK he was able to drop my engineering skill and give it back to me right where it was left off...
There. :)
HAH! I didn't even notice that!

Well, you get the idea.
There, thats better.