Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Logging in... fail
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Sorry guys, nothing we can do at the moment. If your account is keeping you off then it is because you tried being in Kalimdor in some way. (I accidentally did too while trying to answer Kiffles ticket, heh.)

Nothing for it but to wait.
The still active GMs could port everyone to Shattrath city, might work.
Doesn't let us summon people out of Kalimdor.
Still can't even get to character selection, so yeah. /sadfaise
It's because Kalimdor hung up. If you try to log in to a Kalimdor character, you get stuck in the hung up part of the server. Trying to log in again will fail, because the server can't kick your logged in character offline, it's still convinced you're logged in in Kalimdor.

So no real thing you can do but wait for Kretol or somebody else with server access to reboot the server.
This makes me very sad panda, it does. ):
I failed even more. I was going to log into an EK character after I saw this post, but by the time I got the the character selection I completely forgot, and went onto a character that was in Shatterspear at the time. So yeah, failure.
Oh? This kinda sucks, I tried logging into a Kalimdor char on my first account, and messed that up, then I went to an EK char on my second account, RP'd a bit. Totally forgot and used a portal to Shatterspear. Yeah. I am borked now.
Hey, I've been borked for like 3 hours! XD

I still can't even get to the character selection screen.
Same. Fighting off boredom, and failing horribly!
I am very very sad too. Maybe I'll just spend the time writing a profile for Rebecca instead. Sadly, this is one of the last days of my vacation (And consequently the last couple of days for months forward where I can be online regularly), so a hell of a time for the server to do something like that.
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