Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Visual representatation of Character Height
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Scout Wrote:Is the buff actually genuinely stackable? Most buffs in the game aren't, so I wouldn't see it as being so much of an issue.

I think this is a potentially excellent idea.

The 10% height increase/decrease buffs are stackable up to 99. (For a 990% increase in size), so yeah. The stackable part is what makes the idea tricky to implement.
Theik Wrote:The cooldown idea already came up at one point, as did the idea of making it a quest reward, but there are some problems with it. You can't really get a good idea of how tall you'd be before picking the quest reward, aside maybe from describing it on the item. (So the smallest one would have a list along the lines of "Human roughly 5 foot, Gnome roughly 2.5 foot" etc.

An in-game description doesn't have to be the only thing giving an idea of how tall you'd be. I saw on the first page that you've made a scale of sorts depicting heights. Just do this again, but do it with every race using the normal height as a comparable constant. When people see the scale, they'd gauge what their character should be compared to the norm.

Theik Wrote:I'm not sure if it's actually possible to change the cooldowns of the buffs though. If it is, it might be possible to just make a global cooldown across all the items, then you could have all 5, yet never have more than one at the same time. You could experiment to see which one works best, then stick with it.

One of the reasons I suggested it be made part of the 80 quest reward was to prevent having all 5 at a time. Having only one would force the player to stick with the approved height for their profile. If they're going around constantly changing it, that kind of defeats the purpose. If they really wanted to and had a legitimate reason to change it, though, I suppose there's always a GM there to help.

And, as for the stackability, there could be other solutions if implementing a cooldown won't work. The spell as it is right now, I understand, just increases or decreases height. Normally, when a GM mods height (.mod scale [#]) there is a set value for all heights. The normal height for WoW is 1, half the normal height is 0.5, double the normal height is 2, and etc, etc. If there's a way to make an item that mods height to a specific value rather than just increasing or decreasing it by a percentile, that would prevent stacking, as you can't set the value more than once.
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