Conquest of the Horde

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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?

Ah, yes! I did! Many, many times! In fact, as soon as I post this I am definitely going to re-read them. One can never be too thorough.

2. How did you hear about us?

A good friend told me about it, who, in turn, had heard of it from someone he just randomly RP'd with a few days ago... Then had another random person tell him about it a day after that. *taps her chin, wrinklling her mouth to the side* I'm sure that was how it went. I was in the middle of a roleplay when he dropped a line about it. However, he shot me a link and -poof-! I was sucked in.

3. How did you get into RP?

Childhood, really. As much of the fairy tales my sister and I read and as much of the oral histories and traditions that were passed by our kin, it really was a firm connection to our imaginations (which were already wild to begin with!). From there it progressed for me, eventually creating my own fantastical stories and roleplaying them out in my room alone.

I did not get into online RP until a long ago boyfriend picked up a box of Ultima Online and began telling me in great detail how his best pal played and so on and so forth (cue the glazed look and the "uh-huhs"). Lo and behold! What I received for Christmas that year was the same box that he had shown me not two months before. Immediately, I was amazed at all the folks that were "in character" and the interaction amongst them. I was officially hooked.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?

I had friends in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) that wished me to get into the various other online games out there (Everquest, etc.) as they thought UO was a bit lowbrow. I was hard pressed to leave it or the private servers I played on as I truly enjoyed the RP that I had been deeply involved in. My friends' knowledge in the gaming side of things always kept me up to date and when WoW caught my eye a year before release, I KNEW I would leave UO for it.

I came in around 6 months after release, considering I was not quite done upgrading the computer and have really enjoyed it so far! Truth be told, the trailer had me standing up and cheering "Huzzah!" and pretty much ready to go!

5. What is your favorite race/class?

My favorite race is the Tauren. Gentle giants, one with nature, serene, laid back disposition. At least that is what I feel when I read/see/hear of them. Its one of those over all senses of "Ahhhh!" and "Oh I want to cuddle you!"... to an almost revered state.

My favorite class is the Druid. I really enjoy the abilities, the spells and the shapeshifting! As time goes by, I have fallen rather smitten with other classes as well... Hunter, Rogue and Priest (this has fallen a wickedly close second to the Druid).

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?

I enjoy playing those that travel, see the world and come into contact with a variety of people. Also, I enjoy playing them as someone most can relate to, with an ability that would be normal to a select few and possibly some sort of entertainment to others.

I've dabbled in different types of characters.. from crippled matriarchal crones to deaf mute miners to . I've loved them all.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?

I like a variety of RP, provided I can feel the energy of the roleplay as it unfolds and the others are in the zone too with their characters. The more juice a person puts in, the more that comes back to you. My most recent RP that I absolutely enjoyed was one that lasted for an entire evening-all spurred on by everyone's energy and the feeling of the overall RP. (Oddly, it heightened to combat and while I am not a fan of that, it totally fit the mode and the plot. I honestly did not wish to log out, but sleep is oh so important).

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?

Jewelry crafting and leather working are two hobbies I enjoy. I am attempting Roller Derby, too! I have only one stupid human trick I can think of off hand: I can touch my nose with my tongue.

9. What country are you from?

United States

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

Yes, I do remember. Yes, I agree to abide by the rules and policies.
Welcome to the server! >8D