Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Catch you on the flip side, playa'!
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Take care Sas, you always did the majority of the work on the forums when it came to clearing profiles and a good portion of introductions, and you are always an awesome person to chat with. Good luck with your stuff, hopefully you will find someplace else to lurk. /snicker
Secrettom Wrote:That makes me sad to hear, Sas.

Cressy Wrote:I just started crying when I read this. :/

Noooo! Don't do that! I don't want all your emotions up in the place I just want you to be like "Yeah, we had fun." or whatever and just be happy that you got to meet me anyway. Because you all know how fantastic I am. Stop being so upset!
I'm happy that I got to meet you anyway because you're fantastic. I'm not upset because we had fun.

Sas, I don't know you.. But these are all things I could've said if I had known you longer.
Goodbye, sasail. Hope you have fun wherever you go!
Real life sucks!

CotH rocks! Don't go!

But seriously, Sasail, I'm deeply saddened to see you go for real. You were there for the good times - like when you controlled those guards to be nasty to me and Jelme while he was locked up.

You were there for the bad times - like when I was all like "Hey mang, I'm dead, rez plz?" for like two weeks.

You were also there for the creepy times - like when those gnomes were chasing me, and telling people I touched them, and calling me a robot. Srsly, wtf?

You weren't always the most influential in my RPs (although Ioki and Zuli had some good times!) but you were always there: and not just for me, but for the entire community. I think we should all take this as a wake-up call and get our acts together - not everyone is to blame, and the server is back on its feet - but we can always do better.

I'll try my hardest to do better, with one ex-GM in mind.

Goodbye, Sas. :wink:
I may have only joined up yesterday, but it seems that a lot of people will miss you Sasail, so I shall join in with them. Have luck with the outside world! I went there once.. Spooooky.

But seriously, I am sure we will all miss you greatly.
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