Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: My intro :D
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
I love role play. If my character isn't so goofy you want to drive a nail through their heads, they're so dark you need a nightlight just to look them in the eye. I consider myself creative as a writer and a poet. I'm too lazy to learn to draw, which makes me the sad, but bleh! I love making friends, I just find something great in having a fantabulous RP session with someone and it becomes a friendship because we both rock so hard at it.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
American, English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
It's funny, because my old friend got me and my sister started on it, even though before I actually played it, I in fact, mocked it -_- But once I played, OH LAWD I was in love, Once I found I sunk into the lore like it was quicksand. Thank god I started on an RP server.

What made you seek our server over others?:
The strict Role playing rules. I find on retail rules are often overlooked and people get away with being vampires with massive wings who can travel at the speed of light blah blah blah. I hope to get away from that. Besides, a special RP server is probably full of the most delicious brains for me to get a peek at during RP.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I love getting in-depth with other characters. Chit chat and the like. Nothing small, I love it when there's lots of time to get our characters out there and from that I could maybe get a couple pages of story goodness.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Ouch, that's tough. I'll have to say the night elf is my favorite race. Simply because of there incredible lore. I ind it more than amazing. Favorite class I guess would be a druid, just cause it's so fun, especially being a healer.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect it to be...easier on my brains. A server of good RP rather than good RP mixed in with leet speak vampire/demon/god/porn star Role play. I expect a fun environment with strict rules and friendly GMs

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
I love the rules on this server. But my favorite would be your rules about maturity. As there is a huge lack of that on retail RP.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Shivalia opened her eyes, stretched, moaned, and fell out of bed with a crash, as she often did nowadays. Sitting up, she realized what a mess everything had become. Books were strewn all across the floor. Clothing and old food lay across tables and chairs. She sat for a moment, realizing this, and playing with her hair. The dirty strings tangled and getting her face and eyes. With a sigh she finally got up completely, walking through the house as she did every time she woke up from a nap, always resting again in front of the fireplace.

She stared at her dark, decaying hands in the fire light, fidgeting with her dress and apron. A scowl washed over her face, as it did every time she looked at her hands, and fidgeted with her dress by fire light. Followed by a raging fit which left the floor covered in more and more claw marks and clotted, dead blood. Shivalia would tire out after a few hours, returning to her old bed, which was also nearly shredded and putrid from having several bodies placed in it. Which included her little brother, her parents, her neighbors. She found them after the attacks, they didn't come back with her, and she hated them for leaving her alone.

She went to sleep, once again, the bodies of her family and friends long gone from her bed, but she still had them in her thoughts. It was all she had after all. Shivalia closed her eyes and felt the scourge ramming at her front door, the vibration shaking her room, she heard her mother scream, her brother cry. She remembered her father had been outside tending to the garden, she never got to taste the squash she planted.....

Shivalia opened her eyes, stretched, moaned......

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Well, I hope the story is OK, I'm not good at group stories unless I've actually been RPing with others, so it's just my character I could write about here.
And also I look forward to joining y'all for some RP :D!