Conquest of the Horde

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I see your 'Rock Paper Scissors' and raise you a game of 'Truth or Dare'!

I love 'Truth or Dare'! :P
That's so cute!!!
*Slams down a rock, but gets covered by paper*
*Whips out scissors, and snips the paper on the rock, but then the rock slams the scissors*
*Is then befriended by another rock, making the years of a winning war a vicious stalemate*
*Is smashed*
Bah. Qaza and the Deathtusk invite you to dance instead.
DKj;lsdjfl;kasdfljkasd;fljkas;diofjas;jaso;difjl;KSDJf DANCING IS MAH FAVORITE THING!
Qaza, I think I just woke my neighbors laughing out loud at that clip. Pure win!

*grins* I'm taking a digital animation course this semester, and I want oh-so-badly to at least pull off a zombie troll, if not Qaza, Ulzi, and Fazk, doing that dance.
*Jumps for joy* Do it Qaza! Doooo eeeet!
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