Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Regarding Warlocks
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I'm planning on making an anti-herotype character, mainly a Warlock the only attacks members of the opposite faction. I want to know, lore wise, what is within a Warlocks capabilities and if it is possible for them to feed off of fear/pain.
"Feeding of fear or pain" is normally used as a an adjective term to describe how twisted of evil the person is. It doesn't actually mean they feed off them.
Warlocks can entrap souls to use for reagents and drain life, that's just about as far as they'll feed off pain. But remember that most warlocks will slowly but surely turn evil over time. Generally speaking, any heroic motivations they might have for becoming a warlock at first will be gone by the time they've gotten to a competent level of warlockery. (Look, new word!)
Theik Wrote:Warlocks can entrap souls to use for reagents and drain life, that's just about as far as they'll feed off pain. But remember that most warlocks will slowly but surely turn evil over time. Generally speaking, any heroic motivations they might have for becoming a warlock at first will be gone by the time they've gotten to a competent level of warlockery. (Look, new word!)

Ok, so generally speaking. If I do make said character, during the course of rp I can show him slowly becoming corrupt? Also, how long would it take? I mean about how long should I RP him until he succumbs to the evil?
Heroforgotten Wrote:... during the course of rp I can show him slowly becoming corrupt? Also, how long would it take? I mean about how long should I RP him until he succumbs to the evil?

I believe it's not so much about actual time, but how much he or she dedicates himself into the dark arts and gain power within it.
Like always, a drug reference fits well for these things, as far as I know, anyway. You use the Dark Arts, or whatever you would like to call them, in excess, flexing your power, or just delve deeply into learning the Arts and using the more powerful spells, it will drive you to the more evil side of things and corrupt much faster.

Also, I believe it would depend on the person. Obviously, all people, no matter the alignment, will become evil, but people who may already be, say arrogant, a bit corrupt, selfish, etc. may succumb much faster than someone who is 'just' or 'good'. Unless they're possibly fanatical with their beliefs.. But who knows. I could be wrong.

Edit: ADD kicked in mid-way. My bad. Put simply, what I was trying to get at was.. Drugs = Shadow Magic/whatever evilness. Use Magic excessively, you become addicted, evil, bad person. You use in moderation, you still become addicted, evil, bad person but you become that person at a slower rate. ..Is that any better? >.>
Piken Wrote:Like always, a drug reference fits well for these things, as far as I know, anyway. You use the Dark Arts, or whatever you would like to call them, in excess, flexing your power, or just delve deeply into learning the Arts and using the more powerful spells, it will drive you to the more evil side of things and corrupt much faster.

Also, I believe it would depend on the person. Obviously, all people, no matter the alignment, will become evil, but people who may already be, say arrogant, a bit corrupt, selfish, etc. may succumb much faster than someone who is 'just' or 'good'. Unless they're possibly fanatical with their beliefs.. But who knows. I could be wrong.

That's not entirely true. There are necromancers and warlocks who manage to stay good aligned, they're a variant class called uncorrupted necromancers/warlocks. They lose various feats and can't cast a whole variety of spells that are considered evil, but they do not turn evil over time.

In essence, they are Warlocks who took the precaution to stay good aligned. They don't delve as deeply in the arts and stay weaker overall, in return for not losing their mind to the burning legion.
Ahh I see. I was going off of all the other things I've read about magic and such. But I guess what I was basing my post off of was mainly the demon blood and Arcane Magic threads. Apologies. :)
Piken Wrote:Ahh I see. I was going off of all the other things I've read about magic and such. But I guess what I was basing my post off of was mainly the demon blood and Arcane Magic threads. Apologies. :)

One can also avoid ordinary arcane corruption with extreme care. It's just that most casters claim they know the risks and that they won't get addicted, but they generally forget their precautions and start using it too often, getting addicted and getting twisted.

Obviously the best precaution against demon blood is simply not starting with it in the first place. :P