Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Kalimdor Problem Again...?
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Right after the Lore Contest was over, I disconnected, and now it does that thing where it takes me to the realm list over and over again when I try to log in like usual. Is it the same thing as usual or just me?
Having the exact same problem.
Yeah... D:

Both of my accounts are busted. Sadfaec.
Server crashed just as I traded the winner 100 gold.
You can't log in, the server is dead.
Yep. Tis a recurring problem, I know.
Sorry about that. I must have broken the server with my ingeniousness.
MrBubbles Wrote:Sorry about that. I must have broken the server with my ingeniousness.

Nuuu! I should have come sooner so that I could win!
It's always Kalimdor. v.v And ALWAYS while I'm there! >.<
Getting the exact same problem.


I'm trying to decide what to do in the meantime!

Anyone got a PS3 and fancy some gaming?

This is why we cant have nice things!

And I just got back from a 3 day work trip too D:
Pushed a revision update and restarted server. Hopefully whatever was causing this crash was fixed.
Thank you, Kretol! Here's hoping it works!

Sorry for double post! But it doesn't seem to have worked for me- I get my character list, and then the Kalimdor loading screen...

... and then "Login Failed."

So I've made it to the character screen, which is better than it was!
I went to Agares and it said Login Failed. What happened to him was that I ported to Shattrath on him while Kalimdor was down.

I went on Caliath and everything was fine. Didnt touch him during the Kalimdor downage.
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