Conquest of the Horde

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It's taken me about a month to get to this point I think, and I'm still so nervous I'm shaking a bit.
*fidgets* No matter if I get accepted or not, I'd like to say thanks for the oportunity at least.
Now for your questions.

First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
*smiles crookedly* I am a 24 year old female roleplayer. I don't do much else in WoW, and I spend a lot of time doing so outside of it as well. Sadly I got into RPing quite late, when WoW arrived actually, but since then I have tried several other MMORPGs and various pen n paper RPGs. (Including a Halloween Call of Cthulhu game, where we all played 12-13 year old kids, who decided that a pillow fort and lots of candy was the way to go *grins*)

I will admit I started out as one of the Goldshire Crowd with a half demon warlock princess with wings and practically super powers, who eventually turned lesbian.
...I'm not proud of it, but I can't deny it has helped me grow and see what definately does not work.
Since then I have switched servers a few times, when the one I played on got old and lolled..
It has helped with a few new starts I think. With new people, or old friends from the other faction, who I never got the chance to really meet in character before.
Although I have had at least one pretty substantial cross faction conversation, without any other aids than emotes and guesswork *grins*
Pretty substantial meaning "hello, what are you up to in this corner of the world?" "Oh I'm just fishing a bit, how about you?" "Just going in the pub, would you care to join me?" "that would be lovely yes" .. and so on *chuckles*

Mh, as you can see I get a bit carried away with RP stories, because that's what I care about really.
I went to my first onyxia raid last year, with a level 70, and speaking of levels, it took me I think two years to get my first level 60 because I was too busy RPing and exploring.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I was born and raised in Denmark, so Danish is my primary language, but I moved to England nearly 3 years ago now.
English is the second language taught at school from the age of 10, so I could speak it before moving, but I am (hopefully) fluent by now.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I played EVE Online as my first mmo, but found it a bit boring. It needed some interaction and some more substantial RP, so when I heard of World of Warcraft I signed up and got into the Final Beta here in Europe.
As soon as the game came out, I joined an RP server, and later an RP/PvP server. Even with all the ganking I prefer the RP/PvP servers I think. It just seems a bit more real, and fun *smiles* It makes it just a bit more thrilling to make friends with orcs (as a human) in the middle of Blackrock Mountain.

What made you seek our server over others?:
My server is getting old. It's getting to the point where lollers gang up on you, when you polightly ask them not to speak oocly in /s and /y *sighs* I have played about 10 hours the last 2 months for that reason, compared to more than 5 hours a day on average, when I started.
I have been concidering quitting completely, but a friend of mine gave me some hope, when mentioning this server. Actually it was more than hope. I didn't know these existed, and I sat there a bit stunned for about 10 minutes after hearing about it. This is... possibly RP heaven for me. *grins crookedly*
Of course I don't know how the server is going to be yet, but I have a good feeling about it. Especially after reading other applications and policies and such.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Heh.. I like awkward situations. Whether it's walking in on a close friend having a bath, have both characters blush furiously and begin the natural babble, that follows this kind of thing.. or it's accidentally killing little Julie's rabbit, because it looks like all the other rabbits in Elwynn -and I was hungry- and then having to explain the situation to the rather big and angry father.
I tend to get a bit stressed at bigger events, but that's mostly because there are usually a few idiots trying to "make it fun" with all their fancy little gadgets like the dancing flute *lets out a long sigh*

I also like playing slightly odd characters. Not former Draenei, Night Elf half demon, serving under Sylvanas odd.. (that's a real character by the way... another reason for not liking official WoW servers anymore)
But the kind of odd that... well I had a Night Elf Druid, who was terrified of rabbits and accidentally wacked them to death with her staff when freaking out.. it.. didn't go well for her in her Druid career really, bless her.
Mostly I give a querk to my characters that naturally leads them in certain directions and lets them develop their personality as they go along. And that's how I play usually. I just... make the basics and play.. picking up experiences and letting my character learn from those, and evolve slowly.
It's like watching plants grow, only more fun while waiting *grins* and just as facinating.

When interacting with others, I especially appreciate the little things. I like nervous twitches, certain ways the character talks or walks or reacts to specific things. I like to discover things slowly about other characters. Getting to know them just like I would anyone in the real world.
I like people to have secrets, and I like the hope that one day, I may be able to figure out what those secrets are. Basically.. I like people really getting into it and make a lot of little details about their character, which I can ask about if and when I notice. Just as I like people discovering little things about my character.

Spontanious RP is really what I'm trying to say, that I like. Characters built solidly enough, or alternatively played by an inventive enough player, that the RP just flows and everything is well backed up and remembered. I guess both in here and in real life, people facinate me, and I always like to learn more.
I've had most success with this one on one, but it usually takes other events leading to the characters interacting in the first place.

Spontanious RP based on and enhancing character development *nods*
Heh that nearly sounds like a proper term.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I like Humans, though the males look a bit daft.. They are basic and easy to play, and not bound by any preferences, which other races might have, concerning faith and personality and such. Some of the other races are very stereotypical to me, and if you try to go beyond that, it's easy to get side tracked really.
Class.. Hmmm... Again, basic things, Rogues. I'd pick Warriors too, but I usually find it a boring class when it comes to gameplay. Don't know if that matters here though.
I do like most of the other classes as well, and I have played mage and priest with success both in RP and gameplay.
Again, when it's a simple class, you are not bound by norms and you just have some basic fighting skills, so you can be anything from a farmer to a knight.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I don't expect things really... but I hope that it will give me more in terms of roleplay, than what I can get elsewhere. I hope that people are able to get along, or at least agree that they do not. I hope that we as players are not pushed to HAVE be friends, but that people at least are civil to eachother. I've seen too many guild dramas, because people didn't understand that more than 100 people couldn't all be best friends.
So yeah.. I do expect it to be a mature and healthy community from what I've read so far, and just... more fun *smiles*

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Hehe, I really like this question, though it's a sad thing that you have to come up with stuff like this to nearly trick people into reading stuff. I thought it'd be natural with this kind of server, for people to at least research a bit first. I mean.. I haven't read Every single forum post, or every wiki file, but I don't think I've skipped anything important.... I hope...

I like... hmm.. the Respect and Humility rules the best I think.
I love that you as GMs take a stand and demand your respect and acceptance from players. I'm sure that has and will avoid a lot of confrontations. I think a lot of players in the official WoW don't take authority or rules seriously, because there are rarely concequences, and so they just do whatever they want.
..and humility.. Well I'm pretty against "it's all about me.."-rp. I've been to a few bigger events that were meant to be a guild thing, but supporting one single character. It's fair enough if that character asks directly for help, and the people they ask have some reason to be involved. That can be really fun actually. Especially the process of luring people into helping, or being lured. Otherwise it's a bit pointless and only one will gain from it in my opinion.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

The barman looked up as a young girl entered the tavern. She had that naiive yet not inexperienced glint in her eyes, of one who is just entering adulthood. Her hair was red and freckles...
His train of thought halted abrubtly, as her expression shifted from cheerful into something resembling annoyance, and she turned around to leave again.
Selfconciously, his eyes wandered over the tables and searched the floor for anything that might have put the girl off. He could not immediately see anything and picked up a glass to polish; a nervous habit.
The girl enterred once more, but stood there for only a moment this time, before turning around and walking out again, her hands clenching slightly as she did so.

The barman called for his wife, who then entered from the back room with a couple of bottles and proceeded to place them on the shelves. Her husband began to describe the strange encounter, but she was not impressed.
Both of them turned to the door, as the girl entered yet again and uttered half a swear. She looked back at the couple and clasped a hand over her mouth, muttering a muffled apology. Then she closed her eyes tightly, gritted her teeth and let out an annoyed sigh, as she left once again and returned just as quickly.
The couple realized the rudeness of their stare and, embarrassed, they both returned to their chores, still glancing towards the girl once in a while though.

The girl seemed to relax, her hands unclenching, and she finally walked over to the barman, smiling brightly.
"Sorry about that sir.. Say... Do you by chance know any crazy.. well maybe not crazy, but then again..... hmm.. oh yeah!.. any researchers, or alchemists or.. even just someone with a good head for ideas?"

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
It's very difficult for me to read at the moment. I go through periods of having really really low concentration. This mostly goes for longer texts and usually doesn't effect in character writing and reading.
I'd just like you to know this, so you are aware that it may take me a while longer than you're used to, to process and reply to things at the moment. It's definately not because I don't care.

Also I'm going away for about a week, and I'm pretty patient with application things, so you have plenty of time to look through what I've written and discuss it and so on. Please do not stress yourselves on my account, I've seen you have your fair share of stuff to deal with.

Ah, one more thing. I never learnt properly how to punctuate in my own language, and I don't know how to correctly in any other either. I hope it's still readable though, as I know it can create some problems if you do it wrong.

Thanks for your time. Hope you enjoyed the rather long post (I won't say sorry *winks*)
Dominique (Dom)
Welcome to the server! I don't think we'll fault you for your past RPs. Just as long as you aren't a vampire lesbian Elf here, of course. I'm sure you'll like to know that we do enforce rules proactively when we can, but I'll still say that players reporting things to us is the best way to go.
Hey, thank you. *smiles*
*chuckles* I promise to not play a lesbian vampire elf. No worries there.
I just figured you deserved to know where I've been, and where I've hopefully grown completely out of being.
Thanks for the reassurance too *grins*