Conquest of the Horde

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As me and some other players were discussing the possible tactics to take back Ratchet when I decided to suggest the possibility for the Forsaken to use their Blight spreaders (Forsaken catapults) to clear out most of the undead there. IC'ly it would be the perfect opportunity for the Forsaken Alchemists to test their new plague on the field of battle and because Ratchet is surrounded by hills and mountains from three sides then the plague clouds wouldn't travel towards the main land making it safe testing area for them and others. Not only would this be the final test for the plague but it could possibly even tighten the ever faltering relations of the Forsaken and the rest of the horde. The only drawback that I see for this is that then the event would probably be over too soon.

This is just my suggestion for the event but I would gladly hear the thoughts and ideas of the GM's and other players.
The Warsong would deny their request. They're doing a good job as it is, and can capture the city by themselves after they soften up the defenses.
If there's really enough undead there to take over the largest city in Kalimdor, I doubt the Warsong would actually pass out on undead help?
I'm no expert on things like this, but I'm going to throw in my opinion.

Don't diseases and plagues tend to have the nasty habit of lingering around for some time? They want to save ratchet, not poison it. Even then, would a plague work on beings that are technically already dead?

Just two points I thought I should mention... and sorry if I missed something that already explained both of these.
Thayan Wrote:I'm no expert on things like this, but I'm going to throw in my opinion.

Don't diseases and plagues tend to have the nasty habit of lingering around for some time? They want to save ratchet, not poison it. Even then, would a plague work on beings that are technically already dead?

Just two points I thought I should mention... and sorry if I missed something that already explained both of these.

The new plague of the Forsaken works against both the living and the dead. At least, it does after they fix it up in Northrend.
However, they can't actually use it in Kalimdor, as their new plague loses it's potency in salt air. A very large questchain for the Forsaken in Northrend is their new plague utterly failing after being transported to the Howling Fjords (causing only mild dizziness and slight burns when they launch it at the human fleet who attacked their ships). I'd assume the same thing would happen if they moved it to Kalimdor.

They had to fix the plague again with new local reagents in Northrend.
Actually this part confused me as i heard one or more players mentioning the attack on Ratchet to be a way to IC'ly open up the Northrend so I imagined that the plague was yet to go there.
IC'y, I (Throm) Brought up the point that the Warsong probably wouldn't accept the help if presented.

OOC'ly, Theik, who I'm giving the tag "Lore-bot", has called up the bit about the salt water diffusing the plague.

Won't work it seems.

I'd go with my way, which is send in a bunch of peons (yes that means you Orik) with explosives strapped to their chests and blow up the main force, followed up my marksman.

But hey, someone has to chop wood, aye?
Kaghuros Wrote:The Warsong would deny their request. They're doing a good job as it is, and can capture the city by themselves after they soften up the defenses.

I can understand the Warsong not wanting the Forsaken to be shooting plagues everywhere. But I was wondering why does it seem like there's a powerful rift between the forsaken and the orcs? I understand the two races are not friendly with each other but in some rp it seems like they hate each other. And I was wondering if there was something I over looked in the lore to cause this. Now the wrath gate battle I would guess could potentially cause such a rift but the forsaken ran to Orgrimmar for safety, and the orcs helped them take back Lordaron so I would guess that there wouldn't be to much hate between them.
There's a lot of mistrust and hate between the Horde races and their recently-joined "allies" the Forsaken and Blood Elves. Remember, the Forsaken did kill Horde at Wrathgate. Thrall obviously didn't want the Burning Legion to have a stronghold in Lordaeron, which is why he reclaimed the city.

It's an alliance of convenience, just like the Alliance and Night Elves. The Elves detest Humanity and all the young races of the world but ally with them only because they need the help (Also because Blizzard wanted to balance the factions. I.E. One Horde city in the East, one Alliance city in Kalimdor.). The alliances have little to do with Warcraft lore, really, and they're shaky at best.
Ah, so its like that here. Okay. Well cant say I can argue with that. I always thought there should be 4 factions.

Horde ( orc, tauren, troll) Forsaken ( undead, blood elves, naga and dark horde maybe), Alliance( Gnomes, drawfs and humans) and nightelves(... Night elves...).