Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Temporary connection loss
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I'll be heading up into my attic to reroute the cable connecting to my cable modem. To do so, I'll need to disconnect it. Therefore, I estimate the connection loss to be about... maybe 15-30 minutes.
I'll post another reply once it goes down, and then once it's back up again.
We all know you´re just downloading a whole bunch o' porn, Kretol, you´re not fooling us.

Sorry about the sudden disconnect! The person helping me with this endeavor decided to not hear me when I mentioned I needed to post something really quickly and unplugged the cable. At that point, I just decided to get it done and over with.

Anyway, connection's back up! Woo!
...Did someone's three-year-old get online?
ulteo29 Wrote:...Did someone's three-year-old get online?

Looks more like some failed attempt at spamming a topic/board. O_o