Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Introduction: Rosja
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player
Greetings, my name is Andrew, I'm 21 years old and reside in Minnesota (though around midwinter, I like to pretend I'm not stupid enough to live here all year long...). My first introduction to any sort of video game came about back in the early nineties when my father purchased Wolfenstein 3D for my brothers and I, and since then I have been a huge fan of FPS games, though as a first love, eventually the two of us parted ways when a more beautiful, more attractive setting came along, that of the medieval RPG. Now some may debate me on this, but I always thought of Diablo (circa 1995, Blizzard Entertainment) had a WONDERFUL storyline at launch, as well as groundbreaking game play and depth.
With the invention of, even at the age of 7 years old I began to RP furiously in the default "Town Square" channel, which if anyone else here ever entered around 1995-1998 might recall to have been a HEAVILY populated RP chatroom, including characters from all sorts of different backgrounds and concepts. There, frequent use of the /me (emote) command allowed for people to play out social interactions, interpretive dances, and even combat. By using the "profile" feature of, players could write short bio's about the characters they were playing and after time, friendships were made that would go on to last through the glory days of, the likes of which have yet to be recreated in an online chat (that I am aware of, at the least).
Since then, I have taken up playing Dungeons and Dragons, and have been playing in this format since 1996 or so, playing with others my own age in over 15 campaign settings, and now currently regularly play in a 2nd edition group of 15 players with 2 co-dungeon masters (as well as two other "creative consultants" - including myself, who help create story archs and develop the many NPCs our players will interact with in the lands). This campaign is unique, created by the dungeon masters over 20 years ago, complete with huge detailed maps, popsicle stick cities, and literally binders full of lore, characters, and detail. In this group I play with people between the ages of 19 and 45. It's absolutely wonderful : )
Other than that the other main sphere of my role playing history would be in Ultima Online. Since the games debut in 1997, i found myself enthralled in the idea of playing a powerful wizard, a strong swordsman or even a simple tailor! I became lost in the world of Ultima, again with the company of my two brothers. At around the launch of the expansion Age of Shadows, the downward spiral that was EA's takeover from Origin proved to have gotten the best of us and we left the realm of UO, though we never forgot the memories and friendships made within.
I have never played on an RP server on World of Warcraft, however I have run in a Warcraft campaign in D&D, and am thus familiar with the setting and story. Also, having played WoW from launch (Nov 2004) until shortly after Wrath of the Lich King was released, I feel quite confident in my ability to play a character in this setting.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
Born and raised in the USA, English being my primary language.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Warcraft? Oh, with the release of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans of course, though the world didn't really pull me in until the release of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.

What made you seek our server over others?:

Honestly? I googled "WoW free roleplaying servers" on a hunch, as I periodically search for a new RP home between WoW and UO, though I haven't found such a place since leaving my old UO RP server upon it's closing a few years ago. Though what drew me to register, and now apply, is what appears to be a strict, enforced roleplaying standard, and the serious tone of character development and depth. There really are plenty of RP servers out there, though finding the right one is like finding a needle in a hay stack... based on information gathered from the website, Conquest of the Horde shows great promise.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Coming from my times on, tavern roleplay was quite common and I thoroughly enjoyed countless hours trading tales, bartering, singing and dancing, and the general tomfoolery that is known to occur in a tavern or inn. I also have done quite a lot of emote-based fighting (though this is difficult to do and rarely if ever do I now simply because of the incessant use of forced actions and the lack of understanding of when a person should quit - nice rule by the way, though not directly related. I greatly enjoy group-oriented roleplaying, whether it be interacting with your fellow companions, governing councils, clans, or NPC story characters. Roleplaying in all its varieties can be very rewarding, and quite enjoyable.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

To play in WoW, gameplay wise would have to be druids. I enjoy the versatility of the class and also watching how it has evolved over the course of the game. Though as all old-school druid players would know, we had it rough back in the early days of WoW ;)
As far as roleplaying would go, I don't really have a defined favorite race or class. Each presents its own pro's and con's to play, and I generally just go with what feels right at the time. However, I do not play dwarves or dranei as they don't really appeal much to me, and I don't play blood elves for the sole reason that they are greatly overpopulated everywhere I go it seems.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect to find a friendly, non elitist (which is the #1 problem with RP servers and is the most discouraging thing to find on one), inviting community that will help me with my roleplaying as well as allow me to help others with there own. We can all learn from each others talents, ideas, and individual knowledge.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

The rule of Humility. There are plenty of times when a player truly should step back and let others shine. We should all give each other the proper respect of allowing them to step forward and enjoy the limelight when deserved, and also know that the story we live, breath and forge in game is the story of not only our own characters but also of others. It doesn't matter if you roleplay a Prince, an all powerful wizard, or an overlord; even a peasant drawing arms against a tyrant can make a world of difference.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

(Edit: Just as an fyi - I realize that the dialogue between trolls implies they are speaking the Orc language due to dialect, when realistically they would be speaking in there own racial tongue. I did this simply to add flavor, because come on, who doesn't love to hear trolls struggle with another language? ; ) )

*dum dum dum*
*da da dum*
*dum dum dum*
*da da, da da da, da da dum*
The hammer struck the taught drawn skin of the drum in a rhythmic beat, as the scent of incense filled the sweet yet salty air of the coastline. Funeral pyres lit the dance floor as the jungle trolls gathered together in remembrance of there fallen kin.

*da da dum dum da da dum dum da dum da da da da da dum*
With the final stroke of the hammer, the entire tribe stopped the dance. All faces looked straight up to the sky before the sound of another drum beat alerted everyone to the next movement. A somber, quiet and respectful silence washed over the trolls as the ocean waves licked the sandy shore.

*dum dum dum*
The endless night above was filled with the sudden hooting and hollering of the trolls as cheers of joy and adoration erupted from the mouths of fifty seven. Shortly, the sound of laughter and merriment once again filled the moon-lit beach as the singing and dancing resumed.

Rosja spun himself around, kicking his feet up into the air while using his arm to support his weight. His raptor-tooth necklace shone as the bright flames reflected on the polished surface. His face paint was beginning to run as he began to perspire, and Rozja grinned as he saw his tusks begin to take on the bright pink of his face. Quickly, he pressed himself up into the air and spun completely around and flipped, planting his feet back into the ground. He continued to move toward the outskirts of the dancing circle, attempting to quietly escape from the limelight of the dance, though while his love for dance and song great, his greater love called for him from beyond the threshold of the burning pyres. Though there was nothing but silence coming from beyond the loud festivities, Rosja could hear her calling.

He took off into a run toward his hut, quickly collecting his bow and arrow, spear and axe as he ran by. There would be no time for armor now, her cries were growing more and more desperate, and Rosja knew that if he were to grab the rest of his things, he may arrive too late. With that he took off into the thick jungle, heading east into the depths the thick darkness. He effortlessly and silently traversed the treacherous landscape, avoiding the trip vines, metal traps and nets set up by the tribe's hunters. He drew his throwing spear, and after taking a brief moment to steady himself, launched it forward into the thick ahead. As soon as the wooden shaft left his hand, he was off again, pressing further ahead with trollish vigor. Though he had seen his target, he still had not seen her, and her cries had become nothing more than wimpers. His heart was pounding, as his elongated muscles thrust him up and over the brush ahead, launching him over the nearest intruder just after his spear punched through his back and the troll howled in pain, falling to the jungle floor. With the grace of the spirits of air, his axe was drawn from his waist and raised overhead, and as he fell from above as did his weapon, embedding itself into the shield of the warrior before him.

It was then that he saw her; Naj'a.

The blood pumped furiously through his veins and he felt his rage building. He pulled his axe from the fallen's head, and roared menacingly into the jungle ahead and around. "You be messin' wit da wrong troll, mon! You be messin wit da Rosja!" He snarled, and waved her over, guiding her to to the darkness behind.

"Rozja, you be no needing dis no more, and you not be needing dat bow soon. Mesay, I be takin' dis after we be guttin' you mon." The larger troll grinned and tossed his shield aside, taking Rosja's axe with as it flew into the brush nearby. Behind the warrior, two more trolls took up position, clearly a hunter and a medicine man. This tribe had ventured deep into Rosja and his people's territory, and he was beginning to understand the true depth of the situation; this was only one small party, and that the jungle was teeming with these poor excuses for trolls - his people wouldn't stand a chance as they mourned the dead, unaware and unprepared.

He scowled, and roared briefly before lowering his gaze back to the warrior. "Cowards you always be, and cowards you always will!" The bloodrage consumed him as he ripped the necklace from his neck and plunged the raptor tooth into the chest of the warrior before him, cutting deeply as the jagged bone buried itself into flesh, tearing and ripping. Rosja took to a knee and suddenly Na'ja appeared oncemore, launching herself from the back of her beloved friend. Her strike was silent, precise, and menacing. Her mighty jaw latched onto the throat of the hunter, as her great claws ripped into his abdomen. In an instant, his neck was ripped open and blood began to flood into his wind pipe, a sickly gurgle escaping as the troll attempted to shout. And as quickly as she appeared, Na'ja, the great jungle cat disappeared once more.

Before he could take in the satisfaction of a clean kill, Rosja was slammed by the broad fist of the warrior, sending him stumbling backward over a fallen tree. The medicine man began to wave his hands through the air, and sickly green swirls of color traced there movement. Quickly he pulled himself to his feet and began climbing; a nearby tree vine allowing him seemingly effortless passage into the thick overhead.

(The medicine man stopped chanting)
(He became rigid, and his eyes began to glaze)
(With a sudden thud, the medicine man fell to the ground, a purple-feathered arrow plunged into his back)

The warrior turned around and faced the medicine man before charging ahead of the fallen troll. "ROSJA! I SEE YOU UP IN DA TREES MAN! I BE STICKIN' YOU NOW AND DEN BE KILLING YOU FAMILY! GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

The blood rage had ended, and his mind had one again become his own. Carefully he walked across the jungle floor, his footsteps muffled in the mossy underbrush. His throwing spear in hand, he approached the ignorant warrior, unaware of his costly error in judgment.

"Okay mon, I come down".
(The warrior turned, and his eyes widened) *Splllllch*

"But I be the one doing the sticking, mon"....

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:

If approved, I'd love to get in touch with someone who has had success in playing a jungle troll here and who can point me toward some resources explaining the race in this world specifically - not all orcs, trolls, gnomes, dwarves are played the same on each realm. Also, troll/orc languages tend to differ slightly as well, and I'd love to be able to adjust my playstyle and my idea of what the troll dialect is like here on CotH.
Welcome to the server! You can check WoWwiki for Troll lore if you need it, or ask some of the veteran Troll players here.