Conquest of the Horde

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Xagin - Undead By Hollywood Undead ~ warning ~ lots of cursing...<< Haha that rhymed.
I stumbled upon this song on youtube and I had to post it, it had me cracking up at the complete randomness and psychotic nature of the song.

It does have a lot of language, however. Also, it is a bit gruesome. Umm...and it's fairly disturbing. I believe that's all of what Tobala is though.

Tobala's song!
Well, this song has proven to be Demonassa's on two other servers: “Nemo” by Nightwish. You're recommended to look up the lyrics in addition to listening to the song, as it's a bit hard to understand Tarja's English.

"Chasing the Dragon" by Epica is one I neglected to mention and "My Immortal" by Evanescence is a poetic description of D's history with her sister.

EDIT: Added two songs.
Hawk - Facade by Disturbed. Why? Because Hawk cared for Crookie like the daughter he never had. Hee.
Two perfect songs for the Invasion of Stormwind.

The first one is what I imagine as the theme for the Timtus Monster as he crashes around Stormwind.
Dr. Steel: Atomic Superstar
(It's about Godzilla if people can't understand the lyrics)

The next one is a song about what should (but isn't happening) in Stormwind right now.
Creature Feature: Aim for the Head
(Small warning, some zombie movie footage. Dunno if anyone cares but better put in the disclaimer)
Hethel: They're Coming to Take Me Way - Neuroticfish ... re=related

Why?: If you have RP'd with her, you would know.

Rathyl: Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani

Why?: She's got that kind'a spunk...Yeah, spunk. Let's call it that.
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