Conquest of the Horde

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Im not sure, but do most people RP that they can read and write IC? It would seem to me that only those rich enough to afford an education would be able to read and write.
Acually, most would be able to read and write. Because there would be some form of educational system, even in the orphanage. So I would assume. I roleplay most of my characters with this knowledge, save for one.

In the case of orcs though, it's a bit more crude writing. There writing looks like our 'chatspeak'. So to say.
Orcs just have a language that's nothing like Common. Orcish is written in pictographic characters, much like Chinese. I'm pretty sure most Orcs can read and write well, since they do have an involved teaching system that trains people from birth. Peons, of course, cannot read or write.