Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Levels. Again.
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Hmm, this was learned once, but now I've forgotten, but...

Why isn't CoTH allowing the instant-80 to play part again?

Like, what was that rule suppose to keep out?

I think it's safe to assume being level 80 without any way of obtaining raid gear with ease should be enough to disinterest your average PvPers/lolboys anyways.

Even then, the desperate and persistent versions of those two "social class" would be easy to pick out from the general and loyal populations anyways, aye?
As far as I know it's supposed to be a perk of getting your character approved. After all, what's the reason to be approved if you can have all the perks of level 80 without submitting the profile for your Demon Hunter apprentice (This was a character I had to deal with already as a GM. From a player who has been here a while.).
Ah, so nothing but a perk then, I see?

Well, If you think about it, I would see that instantly being level 80 at the beginning will be more beneficial than a server hazard.

I'd throw up a chat to explain why, but I won't go there. Hehe.
Well, keep the perk of getting approved the items, and gold. If it's instant level 80, you don't get instant gold or anything.
It also keeps the ability to become a Death Knight from the... people who can't be trusted with it yet.