Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Karma in warcraft?
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"You know the kind of guy who does nothing but corrupted magic, and then wonders why bad things always happen to him his race and kingdom? Well... that was me. Every time something good happened to my people, something bad was always waiting around the corner. My name, is Kael."

So I was wondering, would in warcraft bad deeds lead to bad things happening to you? A great example are the Elves, First they practice magic, demons atack, they do it again, they get exiled, they keep doing it, they build a new home on sacred troll ground, they build the sunwell ,they kill the trolls in the area, sure it goes good for a while, but what comes around goes around and they become slaves of their former professions, almost taking the whole world down with them.

Another example, the Centaur, they kept terrorizing the Tauren encampents, when the Tauren went nearly extinct the new Horde arives on Kalimdor and helps them out, reclaiming their homeland.

Even to the Lich King something karma-ish occured. He enslaves millions of dead humans, and about forthy percent of them regain their own will and now are his biggest enemies.

So, I ask of you, is there any documented lore about a race that believes in karma? Do you think Warcraft has a natural punishment/rewarding/vengeance system? What kind of races would live by this philosophy?
I'm sorry to say, that I think all of those plot twists are merely events to make the story more exciting and such.

And I'm unsure if any race would believe in Karma in its regular form. For example: races that believe in spirits/elements. Those who've studied those things (a shaman, perhaps,) will probably know that to upset a spirit or an element, would punish you later on.

Now that's not actual Karma, but another related form of it, of course.
Should name your character Earl. I'll be your buddy Randy