Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Ayah-nami: Casual Intrusion
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
I've spent most of my Roleplaying on forum and chat based RP's of a lot of different genres. This would be my first integration to a platform style of RP with full-on immersion into the created world (Azeroth). AS a player, I am known to be very dedicated to the RP concept and try to focus on story plot and development of my characters. I'm very into the RP experience and have tried my luck on several RP servers in the WoW realm, only to fail at finding dedicated players and a well designed RP world. I'm into mature Roleplaying as in eliminating the cliché dramatic interactions and actually enjoy realistic game play. I'm one of those guys that READ quests and when asked what you are doing, refer to them with the actual answer derived from the quest I'm on. I like to walk through town with a mysterious and questioning aura that provokes casual meetings and strangers to probe and test my character in order to form some kind of relationship for future events. Although...I must say the most horrific killer of most of my RP muse is the inability to access the entire world. Refer-A-Friend currently helped me take off at stress, as I'm not entirely interested in Leveling, but I feel constricted to the areas around me and desire to branch off. I would rather spend more time RPing, than PVEing my way up to 80...with the amount of time it takes to acquire that level range, its hard top enjoy Roleplaying to its fullest. For example I joined a well known RP guild named Sub Rosa in the Black Water Raiders RP server. Great guild, but chalked full of 80's, and as a level 16 Paladin, It was difficult to interact with them. I have a high level main, but she is on a PVP server, so experience in the higher levels is not my issue, just no higher level in an RP. I say this because I am glad to see that there is an RP server in existence that may work to minimize this conflict by conglomerating with multiple RPer's of different levels that share my dedication, an addition to the allowing of "dings" to 80, not to give out 80 characters, but to give full-world exploration to those more in-depth roleplayers like myself. These things, I look forward to, along with finally getting a chance to interact with well rounded RPer's. I am an open and friendly person, looking for anyone to talk and interact with (AIM: shadowwolf72003) I urge people to message me and contact me PLEASE! I need some new RP friends and the Azeroth world is a great fantasy Roleplay setting that I am coming more and more into enjoying.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I am from the United States, from the New York region and currently residing in Southern Alabama with my Fiancé. I speak only English, but can understand some Spanish. Other than that, I'm not very multi-lingual.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Introduced by my friends who begged me to get WoW and drive away from older style MMO experiences. I did this, and like a virus was infected and became addicted to the game itself. Now I'm seeking to branch out and express my Roleplaying love with the game I have come to love so well.

What made you seek our server over others?:
Honestly, it was the first one that I found, and did not know that others existed. After searching through, I noticed that getting "into" the group was harder that I expected, and there is a lot of analyzing of the members before actual expectance or rewarding...AND I LOVE IT!! I love how we have to earn this, makes it feel much better. I want to be apart of this Roleplay very much, and have no desire to seek out another server, unless I am declined from this one. I am a loyal person, and as long as I can enjoy great RPing without the hassle of days and days and days of nothing but PVE and trying to slave over an 80 character, than I will never desire anything better, this place looks as if it has everything I need or want.

What kinds of Roleplay do you enjoy?:
IN-depth, literate styles where everyone focuses on story elements and character development rather than "game" rules. If I wanted to play WOW the game...then I will play WOW the game...I want WOW the RP world, another reason why Second Life intrigued me (way too laggy for my PC). Less game oriented, like NOTHING BUT PVP and PVE over and over get's boring even in Roleplays. I LOVE fantasy, medieval fantasy to specific, and have dreamed of finally fullfiling that desire for a fantasy RP session. This screams that session and I'm more and more excited as I write these words.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Blood Elves: In the beginning it was Night Elves, before Burning Crusade. I enjoy elvish races, and the mythical shadowy skills they could have. However, I was never really a good guy person, so I strived for something different. Then the introduction of Blood Elves quenched that thirst. They had the perfect frame and complexion, and the evil ambitions that make morbidly beautiful characters. Their desire for revenge, and modernized magical cities are the prime of my RP desires.

Rogues: I love shadowy beings. Obsessed with Ninja's and Assassins. From tight, dark leather, masking beautiful agile killers makes me nearly itch with anticipation. Steal thing through contested territory, my blood rushes with adrenaline and craves the spill of my targets death. I enjoy hired assassin, not a villain with morbid intention, but an artist working for the everyday dollar. I seek out those who need to be hunted, and for a pretty penny ensure that the job is completed. I live to be free. Under no ones rule...I am the shadow of a lonely girl.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Honestly, I really only wish to RP. As long as I can bypass the intense and time consuming process of leveling just to join my RP friend in a higher area to save someone or hunt someone I already have seen that you offer everything I expect. The site and server are all based on RP concepts that I hold close and cherish to myself, and if only you could see the expressions on my face and the thumping of my heart with the excited feeling I get. I hope this all works and that I can join soon. This is what I've waited for.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
All of them are the prime example of how an RP should be structured as far as boundaries and regulations. The MOST appealing and gratifying rule: NO RAPE. I want to hold you and hug you sooo much honestly. I cry when I see how many females allow themselves to participate in RP RAPE sessions. It's degrading to the woman body. It's not a funny matter that should be played with, and I get sick and disgusted with men that uplift it. It may just be an RP, but it's not funny. IN a back story maybe, but to actually play it out, and express the's sooo wrong. And to know that this RP does not support that, makes me feel safe to RP. I feel I should have a say on whether or not my character has to be raped. It's immoral to me and I would never allow it to happen to my character...

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
Something similar to a storm shot over the horizon. A crash of thunder-like roars rumbled with the rolling smell of fire. Navia heard the screams, along with the tyrant cry of impending destruction. Time shimmered and spiraled around her; the air thinned and thickened repeatedly tricking her sense and demanding her attention. Something was wrong, horribly wrong. She felt it coming with the wind, the trees screamed at her on all sides, the flowers and the earth pushing her away and away. At first, she stood firm, unsure of anything, but prepare for something. Finally, with the last shatter and crack of the trees, she dropped the arrow and quickly sprinted away from the path, “Winter move!” The force hit seconds after, a large humming and crumbling noise rocketing debris of sand, stone, and earth at them. A force resounding into tangible bursts, rippling through space shattering the barriers of sound and pressing her forward. So close…so far…Navia and Winter stumbled to the ground, rolling into the brush. Smoke, stone and limbs rained down from the heaven. Soil filled her nose, her heart rate quickened as she felt the blood trickle from her head. Smog filled her lungs, and her mouth ran dry and chalky, the funguses taste enough to gag on. She coughed, unable to breath as the wind crept form her chest and her lungs locked up, demanding to be free. Then all was silent.

Time seemed to slow as her vision became cloudy and her movements sluggish. She found the strength to stand, only to fall to a knee, frantically reaching and searching for her companion. His soft white pelt riddled with dirt and grime. She hugged him, “Winter!” She cried, nearly in tears. A thought aimed to her mind, and the pain subsided, peace ensuing. “I'm aright…” It was faint and dwindled, he was weakened. She lifted him close and soon to his feet, rubbing her swollen head she checked what remained of her gear and armed her. “What the hell was that?” The smog cleared and before them a massive form blocked their path…wait…there was no path. Instead, a creature's corpse rose from the shadows of the aftermath, towering above them with a rotten aura and repugnant odor. As Navia's vision cleared and the figure's true complexions and design broke into her sight, her eyes widened in horror. She dare not speak the words, but she was unable to control them. “A black…dragon…”

As a child her mother spoke of a War Princess. Back when riders mounted heavy saddled dragons, and fought wars and battles in the sky. Lore spoke of a rare black dragon, maybe the only one of its kind. Whose rider, the princess, broke an ancient code. She was to bear a child; the father unnamed. Her mother never expanded on that portion, but each whisper of her name made Navia shudder. For defying the code, she was tortured and killed. As a child, the dragon had always been the main focal point in the legend, and always the prime infatuation in Navia's history. For in his rage, the dragon destroyed the village, and has sense forth guarded it, for all time. Cherished by the soul if its rider. It was an old tale, passed down, and never believed to be true. The Black dragon kind was said to be forever extinct since those times. But the name still resounded in her head, even now as she stared at the lifeless body of the very thing she'd swore she'd never have a chance to see. “Xiuhcoatl…” It was barely a whisper, not even enough sound to stir the thoughts of her companion. Stunned by the idea that it would be him, Navia found herself fondly intrigued by this turn of events. She never removed her gaze from its crippled hide. Of course it wasn't him, that was a mere child's story, but even an unknown black lizard was renowned enough to catch her attention. As long as it stayed dead. Then we'd have issues.

As she fell deeper into thought, Winter's puzzled gaze went unnoticed. However, the thought did not. “I've never seen a dragon alive. And perhaps I never will. Dragon slaying, a common thing if they get to aggressive.” She ignored the comment, still stunned by the collapse and allured by the majestic form the creature had been structured around. So massive and defined, so rare and gorgeous of a beast, a hunter's true prize. But why had it crashed? Blood oozed from shallow wounds, and cuts lathered its body. Was Winter right? Had it been too aggressive? Probably was the fel creatures were known for their rude and tyrannical rage. Had it no been for the type, she may have shot another arrow in it to ensure its death, but due to the beauty of the catch, felt it deserved a little attention. Gratitude for being the last…

Something compelled her to get closer, like a magnet gently pulling and tugging at her. She boldly placed her palm against the hard surface of its bloodied torso. She expected to feel nothing, just satisfaction for the kill and ability to say ‘I touched a black dragon!'. But instead, anger and aggression pumped into veins, adrenaline spiking and senses on high. Doubling back, she shouted, “Winter! Ranqui!” The command was like a trigger, her companion taking a defensive posture and erupting into a low growl. She knocked her bow and set her defenses, letting the softest breath free, to prepare him for this…“It's still alive…”

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
*hugs everyone* <------------------ This is not how I RP Haha. But I'm sooo excited to meet you all and get acquainted. PLEASE ACCEPT ME AND interact with me. I'm looking forward to this so badly.