Conquest of the Horde

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Before anyone even thinks about starting a human-rights speech, I´ll clarify that I am referring to IC racism in Warcraft RP.

Every roleplaying server of any fantasy game I´ve ever been in has had a good deal of players that completely ignore racial characteristics, history and sociology. Not only this, but they will then move on to try and be best buddies with their own race's natural enemy. It´s becoming far too common to see orcs and humans/dark elves and light elves/ blood elves and night elves/ demons and angels either in love or in a deep friendship.

I have two names for this: "Happy-flower RP" and "The Drizzt Do'Urden effect".

Warcraft is a universe covered in WARS (hence the name), conflicts, pain, corruption, etc. Thankfully, far from being a simple hack and slash, it provides an extensive LORE and gives plenty of information on the social and physical characteristics of each race, as well as their history. If you have a habit of ignoring that, I have two questions for you: Why are you roleplaying in Warcraft? And, Why did you pick that race if you´re not interested in what they are really like?

Here is a Guide posted by a CoTH GM: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2646

This doesn´t mean that every character should be the stereotypical representation of its race. But making completely absurd characters doesn´t actually impress anyone and usually just ruins the mood in most roleplays.

For starters, let´s talk about love: Night elves falling in love with undead....gnomes falling in love with tauren...It just isn´t good roleplaying. Could a human and elf come to love eachother? Or a night elf and a blood elf? Orc and troll? Well yes, they could. But that sort of thing ought to be done through EXTENSIVE ROLEPLAY. A short little roleplay session in which Mr Romantic walks up to Lady Love and says a few sweet words is NOT enough to inspire cross-faction or cross-racial love! And if you DO have this sort of thing going on...keep it on a LOW PROFILE! Take into account the consequences of your romance. How does your race and society look upon it? Would a blood elf with a brain really go around showing the whole world that he or she is with a Sin´dorei? NO!

Racism(It´s a REAL thing, People!): I´ve seen a lot of cross-faction friendliness happening around the server and It really deserves a mention. Some races HATE eachother. There´s nothing you can do to change that! It´s realistic to roleplay the tension between the races of Azeroth and it´s generally the sign of a good player.
It´s not very realistic at all to just say: “Oh but my character believes in not judging people and giving second chances.” Ok...let´s get this straight. World of Warcraft, as i have said, is a world covered in wars and constant conflicts. If you are, for example, a draenei, you have seen your people slaughtered for no good reason by orcs and blood elves. The Night elves lost their beloved demi-god Cenarius to a bunch of bloodthirsty orcs who were, to boot, chopping down trees in their forest! The orcs were enslaved by humans for years and treated like dirt even after they were free of demonic influence. The blood elves saw nine tenths of their population slaughtered and the humans didn´t lift a finger to help. Humans saw Stormwind lost to orcs and Lordaeron lost to the undead...THE LIST GOES ON.

Most of our characters have witnessed really horrible things or have at least suffered indirectly from these wars and no, being a liberal, happy, love-and-peace-for-everyone kind of person is just not suitable for Warcraft RP.
Well, alot of this is answered in Rensin's guide to Inter-racial interactions.

Otherwise, I have only seen a few instances of cross-faction love, even an orc and blood elf which would be -highly- uncommon as races in both the Horde and Alliance frown highly upon cross-breeding with other races.
Yup, thankyou, Kaelvan. That´s the best guide to look at to know how your race should react towards others. So READ IT, people!!!

Also, I assure you I have seen A LOT of cases already in CoTH.
Aww, thanks Blaize for saying this (CAUSE LIEK WHEN CRESSY SAYZ SHEEZ IT IS IGNORED.)

And before people throw in the. . . "I AM ONE OF THE UNIQUE ONES," line, remember. . . If everyone plays the Orc that wants to bajingle a Kal'Dorei, then seriously, your unique-line has just been flushed out the drain.

The sheer fact that these characters have had it ingrained in their brains that they would HAETTHARFAEC's should be reason enough. I mean, here's a real-world example.

Becky grew up in the South during the sixties and seventies, though she did not have personal reasons to hate the African Americans, she did. Her parents planted a small seed in her as a young child, along with most of the neighbors. She might not go around burning crosses in their yards, but till this day she still is uncomfortable with inter-racial dating, and African Americans.

This is a family member of mine, so yes it is true.

Now think. . . most of these races HAVE witnessed the war and the hate. . . So. Yeah. Just my two cents. (which are always right.)
I do agree, but bear in mind there are probably reasons. (Though that said, there should be more reasons than "LOL I LOVE EVERYTHAAANG").

Another issue is that some people don't want their characters to die. You know it, I know it, and it's something that can't be denied. There are also several arguements such as "Who are we to ruin their character's fun?" and whatnot. Also, some people just don't like playing a character who hates others with the intensity of a thousand suns. It happens, and it's not something easily changed. I personally have a few characters that are racist, but that's besides the point. And y'know, really, a rage post isn't going to make everything better.

Another thing is, there is rarely crossfaction romance here... :| So I don't know how you've jumped to that conclusion. If there were Draenei getting off with Orcs, it'd be a serious problem. Garona's always been a person who shouldn't exist really. (A half Orc half Draenei)

Also, chill out.
How about Orc and Human action Eh? Eh? Like my home dawg, Thrall. I do agree, however people trying to be diffrent is going to end up with the Horde, and Alliance becoming best buddies which will not make me happy for I love to cleave me some Night Elves.
Hawk, this was no rage post.

As for those "reasons", the only possible reason would be a darn good explanation in a character's story of extensive roleplaying through which a character slowly changes some of his or her views. And I believe I do mention that in the post.

But sadly that isn´t the case most of the times.

And, I "jumped to that conclusion" after SEEING IT SEVERAL TIMES WITH MY OWN EYES!

I don´t appreciate you insinuating that I blindly jump to conclusions and that this is a rage post, Hawk, I don´t appreciate it at all.
Interraccial RP at many times, unless it is like orc-troll-tauren and human-dwarf-gnome. Should almost never begin a romance.

And cross faction interraccial RP is even more likely that such relations will not come about.

Humans and Orcs - Hate each other all the way back to the beginning of the Warcraft series

Humans and Trolls - Humans have hated trolls since humanity formed its first empire and even before that

Humans and Tauren - Humans don't care, the tauren support the orcs and trolls

Humans and Blood Elves - Blood elves are seen as traitors to the Alliance and Night elves hate them, same with Draenei

Humans and Forsaken - Humans and Undead do not get along

And guys, that is just humans relating to the Horde races.
I guess thats a skim of it Brutal, but people should read the guide made by Rensin before going cross-faction loveydovey. :P
Edited the first post to contain the link to Rensin´s guide somewhere around the beginning. Everyone should read it if they haven´t already.
Kaelvan Wrote:I guess thats a skim of it Brutal, but people should read the guide made by Rensin before going cross-faction loveydovey. :P

Indeed Kaelvan, indeed. People should read the old guide before they have Kal'dorei loving Orcs and whatnot. It's just not a good idea to ignore racial tensions like that.
To be honest, the way you've worded the whole thing looks like a rage post in my eyes, but I'll take your word for it.

And reasons DO happen that don't need to be through extensive roleplay. A lot of the wiser Orcs for example realise that they brought the corruption and everything else upon themselves. The Horde and the Alliance fought alongside each other in the Third War.

Of course, I'm not supporting crossfaction ERP in the slightest, and I've probably been around at the wrong time.
I'm afraid my characters are rarely seen these days; they usually show an ample amount of racism. But that contradicts to when I didn't know the lore, when I was all cuddly and stuff between factions.

I can give examples of inter-racial racism, but I'd rather people PM me to find out. I could probably make a small list of petty insults to make; though some may be rather explicit.

I did, in fact, had a point in time where a Blood Elf (Who was me, ew) met a Human, and they courted. The point was, the Blood Elf (Who was male) wanted to 'piss off' the rest of the humans by courting one of their females, and the female was constantly draining mana from the Blood Elf when he was near, throwing up these weird mana crystals. The point was, these happen on very rare occassions, and in that instance they didn't even love eachother; they were both doing it for corrupt purposes.

In general, please hate eachother ICly. It makes RP so fun, and even goofy at times. You wouldn't think it, but it's something inconvienient-- when something inconvienient happens to your character, it's a good thing because it's boring when everything in convienient. I don't support inter-racial ERP, infact, I disencourage it, but if it does seem to stumble on, make sure you have a valid explanation.
That does make sense, Sour. It all depends on the blood elf in that situation. One would find it useful enough to piss off the humans by courting their female, or another might find it too repulsive to even consider.

Lastly, we aren't trying to discourage cross-faction RP, but it mostly ends in death nowadays. We encourage it still in places like Booty Bay and Ratchet, just RP with reason. I don't see a problem with a tauren and a night elf sitting down for a drink. Because they are basically side-allies due to the Cenarion Circle. But there may still be some hate.

Otherwise, Cross-faction fighting is even good, just end it in a retreat or K.O. Not 'kill, kill, kill'.

With that, have fun with your RP people!

Quote:I disencourage it, but if it does seem to stumble on, make sure you have a valid explanation.
( I hope people would pick a place nobody stumbles upon. QQ )
. . . Interracial ERP on the server (after wrath) has become a trend. . . I have stumbled upon ERP between Orcs-Night Elves, Gnomes-Trolls, and Trolls-Humans. That is just the ones I screenshotted for lulz. >>

But seriously, having a bit of hate really does make interesting RP.

Blaize and Itotia always have a lot of hateful conversations when they come across each other. It is quite amusing.
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