Conquest of the Horde

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Could I get Bloodsail Reputation to friendly on one of my characters without being hated by the Goblins? If not I totally understand, but I was just wondering.
Could I get a friendly Bloodsail Reputation too. I need it for my character, Sesina. Thanks if possible.
If you're a Bloodsail you're hated by every faction, that is, if we're allowing Bloodsail characters right now.
Googled around a bit, the only way to become friendly with the bloodsail through game mechanics is to kill off the goblins: ... tion_guide

Quote:There is only one way to increase your reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers and that's to unleash your wrath on any citizen of Booty Bay who can be found through out the Eastern Kingdoms

Will need to try that, unless the GMs are willing.

Edit: Seeing Kaghuros, I'm doubting whether they are :P
Kaghuros Wrote:If you're a Bloodsail you're hated by every faction, that is, if we're allowing Bloodsail characters right now.
Well, I kinda expected that. I'll rethink the character. Probally make a diffrent pirate group. Thanks for your time.
Kaghuros Wrote:If you're a Bloodsail you're hated by every faction, that is, if we're allowing Bloodsail characters right now.

I see.... Nevermind then I guess.
Personally I'm interested in a pirate guild that is RPed out well, but they aren't liked by anyone at all.
I had a character and idea for a Pirate crew/guild. But the fact that there are no ships available or moveable really is the down-fall of that.
As for movable true that posses as a problem, however our kind GM's have been noted to spawn various interactive objects and other misc props. Spawning a ship is not all that difficult.

Let me loan my expertise in this field. When I was writing for the independent Blizzard Writing contest my story touched on pirate lore and a broaden history of untold places like Tol Barad, Gilneas, Crestfall, Zul'Dare etc.
Anyway here's my info gathered from it all with regard to Pirates,
as there are quite a few of them.

Bloodsail Buccaneers
-Led by Pirate Prince Duke Falrevere, they count many walks of life amongst their ranks: Human, Orc, Goblin, Tauren, Gnome.
-Bloodsail Hold on Plunder Isle, "Currently they have three ships anchored along the coastline south of Booty Bay, clear of the town's defensive cannons, with camps also being built along the same coast"

Blackwater Raiders
-Led by Trade Goblin and de' facto ruler of Booty Bay, Baron Revilgaz.
All races of Azeroth are seen within their ranks, perhaps that is what makes them so successful, that and their numerous locales.
-Bootybay (With strong ties to Ratchet and of course Undermine), affiliated with the Steamwheedle Cartel, and lastly Faldir's cove in Arathi Highlands.

Defias Brotherhood
-Led by Edwin VanCleef, and the Brotherhood
-**(Server Lore)- All that remains of their vast numbers is a few scattered camps in Westfall and their stronghold of The Deadmines.
Edwin's battleship is docked in their secret cove.

Dread Corsairs <Event Only>
Unless we can get GM's To spawn this hottie.
-Led by savage female Captain DeMeza
Sept 19th is Pirates Day in game she gave out a buff that turned you into a pirate for 12 hours.
(On a side not her First Mate a Tauren by the name of Hapana has a tattoo saying MAGATHA a nod to the age old "Mom" tattoo. Magatha is a Grim Totem NPC in One thousand needles.)

Northsea Freebooters
-Led originally by Jonah Sterling, or "Mad" Jonah Sterling. He and some of his crew become infested with madness at Howling Fjord. The rest of his crew set up a port at Scalawag Point. Their new leader Annie Bonn takes control after an in game quest triggers Sterlings amusing death. ( By the way all you Irish people, Anne Bonny was an Irish American pirate who sailed the Caribbean in the early 1700s, noted in large part for being the rarity, a female pirate.)

Southsea Freebooters
-Small fleet of Goblin pirates
-Various camps along the coast of the Barrens.
-Hostile in game.

Southsea Pirates
-Made of Dark-Iron Dwarves, Goblins, Humans, a number of Gnolls, and a few trolls
-Lost Rigger Cove Tanaris

Southshore privateers <RPG>
-Human Pirate outfit, rumored to have been made up of surviving citizens of Drisburg, Kul Tiras. (Which would explain their hatred for the Bloodsail Buccaneers.)
-No known port

** So in essence if you want to start a lore following pirate group I would suggest picking up the Southshore privateer flag For Human / alliance. Also note by lore Faldir's cove is supposed to be vacant, so if said group would like to make it's berth there...

As for you Orc's & Troll's, the only known "Pirate" of the horde was a Troll woman named Ana Bloodteeth. Captain Bloodteeth was well known in the Lands of Mystery RPG book to raid Theramore as well as other merchant ships along Kalimdor.

If anyone wishes to start one up, or needs help with said project, do let me know as I have a gig of information on pirates, traditions, ranks, ledgers, etc. in lore and real life research as well.