Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: CotH Worlds Administration (Mr Kretol, sir? ^^)
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Does anybody know anything about Theik?
I've been trying to get a project approved since the 17th, this month.

It's the sci-fi setting I've been recruiting people for in my other post. I wouldn't have gone for a space on the Worlds forum initially but then, after discussing it with Scout it sounded like a good idea to have a public place where we can gather all the ideas for easier management of our work. Instead of talking about it on CotH or exchanging e-mails (which would go slow since we're 3 for now).

If Theik can't get back.. can I make a request to Mr. Earthshaker? xD
Promote someone to a higher rank, to the point where he/she can approve projects. Hopefuly someone active but if that's not possible at least someone who'll take a quick peek once in a week. God that rhyme sounded awful.

Thank you very much. ^^
I forgot to ask Kret to give it to me after your last post.

I have no idea where Theik went, he sort of just dropped off the net.
That'd be great, you're quite the active user around here!
I've no idea where he went either. Only figured it out when Shatterspear got quiet all of a sudden. xD
I sure hope he's okay though. Someone did tell me in-game that they have his e-mail and will talk with him but haven't heard anything since. Not that I've been around to.

Thanks for the reply!
Mr. Mikain is now an admin over there!
*claps excitedly*
Congratulations mr. Mikain and thank you very much mr. with a red name sir. :mrgreen:
Keep up the good work!
Now I just have to figure out how to do this without destroying the fabric of the universe.
Cross the beams! Mwuahaha!
Start approving! /nod
There was this huge, ravenous penguin and it devoured me whole. It took me weeks to claw my way out with nothing but a toothpick and a bagpipe to keep me company.
Hehe, welcome back then!
Theik! Welcome back! :mrgreen: