Conquest of the Horde

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I would have made this a own topic, but I lacked the ability. I made this guide to serve all those who wish to roleplay a Wildhammer Dwarf and to entertain myself. :) All the information is gathered from previous Warcraft games, Novels, RPG guidebooks and WoW quests and lore. If I missed a race from the compendium, let me know so I can add it. Feel free to criticize or comment, I'm open for all that.


--Your dwarf and rest of the world--

All though Wildhammer Clan shares many similarities to horde members, it is part of the Alliance, hence in war with the Horde. They might be dwarves, and only a clan diverged from the Iron Forge Dwarves, but still, there are major cultural and social differences between Wildhammers and Bronzebeards. What applies to a Bronzebeard, may not and most likely doesn't apply to a Wildhammer.

Kaldorei: Wildhammer Dwarves have established close relations between Night Elves. Two races have a lot in common. They both love nature above all else, and try their best to protect its beauty. Wildhammer dwarves are curious about Elune, and many have moved in elven lands to study her. Recently, in efforts to improve the relationship of the two races even more, Wildhammer Clan has established a new home located south of Mount Hyjal, in the peaks of the southern mountains within Ashenvale. It's bitterly cold on their peaks, and they construct homes that are nearly always part cave and part building. From this vantage point, they inform Night Elves from anything out of the ordinary. ( Friendly )

Bronzebeard Clan: Wildhammer dwarves are distant towards their cousins, Bronzebeards. They lack of the same passion and the fanatical archaeological fervor that has seized the Bronzebeards. They do not care if they're descended from titans or not. Wildhammer dwarves live in the present and do not dwell in the past. Either they didn't accept the invitation to live at Khaz Mountains again; they've grown to love nature, and despise the smoggy and dark mountain fortresses. All though all the differences, they still unite together against Dark Iron Dwarves, and feel a union that they never could feel towards Dark Iron Clan. ( Friendly )

Humans: Wildhammers shun human way of life, living in big and crowded cities paved with stone and pebble. They also thing this young race is arrogant and egoistic. Wildhammers have close ties to nature. Many are shamans, and some are druids. Therefore they do not follow the religious views of Bronzebeard Clan nor the humans. They consider the Holy Light to demands too mutch organization and philosophy to comfort the most. Nevertheless, many Wildhammer dwarves reside in Stormwind City and have grown to respect their hosts. ( Neutral )

Gnomes: Unlike Bronzebeard Clan, Wildhammer dwarves do not hold any special relations with gnomes. Actually they compare them to goblins and find many similarities. They're both small and technology orientated. This is enough for most of the Wildhammer dwarves, and they let their prejudices be the judge of character. But since Gnomes are part of the Alliance, Wildhammer are forced to work with them, hence they've started to slowly accept these little creatures. Friendship is possible, but it would take time and effort from both sides. ( Neutral )

Draenei: Wildhammer Clan knows very little about this alien race. Albeit they shun their weird technology and the fact they would consider twice before going inside one of their Dimensional ships like the Exodar, they still share a common enemy – Orcs. This may bring these two races closer together in the future. Wildhammer dwarves despise technology – and feel distasteful for anything new. But there is nothing else standing in a way between a relationship of these two races. There is a chance for a friendship, no doubt about that. ( Neutral )

Shu'halo: Of all the members of the Horde, Wildhammer would most likely befriend a Tauren. They share a lot in common, and Wildhammers see a huge potential in Taurens - the Tauren bear a great reverence of nature (as do the Wildhammers), practice elemental magic and possess great martial prowess. Wildhammer dwarves are wilder than Tauren, but the possibility exists that the two races could become friends. Only thing between the friendships of these two races is war between Alliance and the Horde. Without it, the two would probably be closest allies. ( At War / Friendly )

Quel'dorei: Wildhammers had close relations with Quel'dorei in the past. They had mutch in common, love of nature and hatred of evil. But when High Elves abandoned their old name and became known as Blood Elves, Wildhammer saw their former allies in new light – They saw their addictive nature regards magic and corruption in their eyes. Because of this and since Revantusk tribe plotted to foist a wedge between these two factions, their relations aren't the same anymore. Wildhammer Clan belonging to Alliance and Blood Elves to Horde, the two sides are in open war – and no kind words are generally shared between them. Friendship was possible in the past, and some of the old ties may still be sustained, but any new relations will be cut before they even get to flourish. ( At War )

Orcs: Wildhammer Clan has fought against orcs for generations, and they cannot let old rivalries die. Yet, they still respect their prowess in battle and shamanistic nature of Frostwolf Clan. They see both Drek'thar and Thrall as wise leaders, but no respect goes above the hatred and history of long warfare. Because of all this and dire situation in Alterac Valley, a kind confrontation is highly unlikely. But nevertheless, meeting between Orc Shaman and Wildhammer would most likely to go better than meeting with Orc Warlock and a Wildhammer. ( At War )

Trolls: Ever since Wildhammer Dwarves first ventured to the Hinterlands and met with the Forest Trolls there, a mutual disdain between these two races has sustained. But, during the Orcish Invasion to Azeroth, Forest Trolls allied with the Orcish Horde momentarily, and Wildhammers with the Alliance. This severed their relationship even more. No major conflicts ever occurred between Wildhammers and Forest Trolls, but no one knows what may happen in the future. Now that Revantusk Trolls are part of the Horde, and Wildhammer Dwarves are part of the Alliance, they're getting ever more hostile. Wildhammer Dwarves do not typically see difference between Forest Trolls or the other trolls, and regard them all as bloodthirsty savages. Trolls' hostility to other races certainly isn't helping, and friendship between these two is unlikely but possible. ( At War )

Forsaken: Wildhammers normally doesn't see a difference between a Forsaken and a member of Scourge and see them as cancer of the land. As the Hinterlands are the border between Plaguelands and untainted world, they do their best to prevent spread of undeath and do not make difference between a mindless zombie and Forsaken agent. The Wildhammer Dwarves are nature loving people, and seeing how undead and blight affect the nature, makes them angry. Hostile encounter is between these two is almost a law. There is very little, if any, possibility of friendship between a Wildhammer and an Undead. ( At War )

Goblins: Wildhammer Dwarves absolutely hate goblins and everything they stand for. They see them as materialistic and technology-driven little creatures, which cut down entire forests for to just get money and riches. They often hunt down and destroy goblin zeppelins just for fun, as they see them un-natural contraptions which should never be on the skies. They have no respect towards them, and would certainly kill a goblin without feeling bad about it. The wedge between these two races is growing the tension between the Wildhammers and the Horde. Since Wildhammers openly admit that they're behind most of the Zeppelin crashes, and doesn't care who is using it. ( Pure Hatred )

Dark Iron Clan: A mortal enemy of both Wildhammer Clan and Bronzebeard Clan. It's because of Dark Iron Dwarves and their Sorceress Thane Mogdul that their beloved kingdom of Grim Batol was tainted with evil spirits and made uninhabitable. They share no good thoughts about each other. Almost all Wildhammer dwarves would kill Dark Iron dwarf on sight, and relationships of any form are nearly impossible. But if two dwarves of these clans would befriend each other and that information would travel around, they would be considered outcasts and the relationships with the clans would be severed. Without any further ado, It can be said that any positive encounters are relatively impossible. ( To be killed on sight )
Oh, very well done! Although no expert, it looks fairly accurate to me.
Yes! Though I've never had the idea of RPing as a Wildhammer this guide was very enjoyable for me to read. Though I have a question about the Quel'dorei.

By Quel'dorei I'm assuming you meant Blood Elves, but are relations between the High Elves and Wildhammer equally distasteful?
Actually, Quel'dorei are High Elves, Sin'dorei are Blood Elves. ^^
I've allways kept them as a same race, since there is really small that has changed expect the name after their betrayal. Well, they have good relationships with the High Elves (Quel'dorei) and bad with the Blood Elves, as they do not like the way they've changed and because they're part of the horde. (I'll edit the actual post later on!)
Actually, there been some radical cultural changes among the blood elves, the simply fact that they not only condone warlocks but seem to even give them some support is one of many.
Hawk Wrote:Actually, Quel'dorei are High Elves, Sin'dorei are Blood Elves. ^^

Right - I was just trying to understand his distinction.

The reason I ask is because there is one of the last remaining holdings of High Elves that remains in the Hinterlands, pretty close to Aerie Peak. The High Elves there are friendly to Alliance players.

It's nothing big but I was just curious.
Good job on the guide! Cheers.
Awesome guide, I will take this as a guide to my own Character since he is a Wlidhammer, a smith...dealing with nature elements to forge strong armor to fight their enemies..
Awesome guide, I will take this as a guide to my own Character since he is a Wlidhammer, a smith...dealing with nature elements to forge strong armor to fight their enemies..