Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Adding Languages To Bilingual Characters
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With so many characters interacting with other races, maybe even in the previous history too, I think a third, or fourth language would be nice for several characters. To keep this from getting out of hand, I think some sort of application process would probably work well here. I have a possible idea for this which would require GM approval for the language of the player's choice.

A post would be made in the section of the forums that GMs would choose. The post would state which character the player would like to give the language to, which language, and an IC reason for the character's proficiency in the said language. A template would be something like:

Language of Choice:
Description of Why:

Of course, this may be able to be posted with character profiles from now on, but maybe not. Seeing that language wouldn't be as important as other issues would also mean it wouldn't have to be, approved/looked over, constantly; which wouldn't make the GMs have to focus on much more in times that the server has a low GM population.
Might consider removing Orcish for Alliance characters and Common for Horde characters as well then, and make them apply for these languages.

Other than that, a -great- idea.
I was refering to Secondary Languages.

In certain situations this may help sometimes define a certain character, like:

-Any sort of "ambassador-like" character.

-An explorer that is with another race longer than their own.
I know so, yet I find it weird that everyone knows Common and Orcish, many people don't take the effort to RP ICly that they don't know one of these languages.

But I do agree on your suggestion as it is nonetheless, it could create some really sweet situations.
Rubykuby Wrote:Might consider removing Orcish for Alliance characters and Common for Horde characters as well then, and make them apply for these languages.

Other than that, a -great- idea.

Well to be honest with you, I think the languages common and orcish were actually added into wow as a chat barrier to prevent Horde and Alliance flaiming eachother and whatnot. They wanted to keep them divided. Prior to WoW in games such as warcraft III, all characters might have their native tongue yet they could all communicate with eachother. I think it's probably a good idea to keep Ocish and Common for all characters by right. Having that functionality there promotes cross faction RP in terms of events and whatnot such as the shipwrecked event and adds depth of RP. I like the tense neautrality vibe you get in places like Booty Bay and it really adds to the RP when you can make off hand remarks to eachother and whatnot.

I like the idea for secondary languages such as.. I don't know, Kalimag or Demonic and whatnot but I definitely think that common and orcish should remain in play for everyone.

EDIT: Just taken this from the front page of the wiki. "In addition, all characters can speak Common/Orcish. After all, everyone was able to talk to each other before WoW, and the language barrier was added simply due to the MMO setting (ie, preventing gankers from easily cussing each other out). Bear in mind, however, that due to built-in game mechanics, Forsaken are unable to understand Common. Furthermore, custom emotes will indeed be seen cross-faction, so don't worry about needing to 'emote in says,' so to speak. "

I think lore wise Common and Orcish should without doubt remain, though functionality for other languages to be applied for would be handy to alot of characters out there. You also have to consider the fact GM's have an awful lot of things on their plates so perhaps simply adding this into the character profile system would help them alot more than adding it into another thread/profiling system entirely.

Those are just my views on the matter though. ^^ Good post.
Everyone know common and orcish so that A) we can communicate cross faction and B) for Forsaken, who ICly should know common, can speak with other as well, even though they, due to game mechanics, can't have the Common language added to their profile.

As for second langauges and such, well, as far as I know there's only the languages for standard races (trolls, night elves etc) that could be added, and I'm not sure they can be added individually to one character.

And even if they can be, it just mean a lot more work for us GMs, something we don't need right now.