Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Having Trouble Working My Way Into RP
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So, I haven't logged too many hours, I know, but I'm sort of at a loss of how to get into RP on the server. It might be that I get nervous, it might be that I don't know where to go. Whatever the case, I have no idea how to meet people and get to playing my character(s).

Does anyone have any suggestions?
If your Horde side, check out the Bloodsworne Honorguard. Though it's more orcish then anything, There is a whole bunch of guilds for forsaken. If your alliance, Try the Lambent Sovereignty for paladins, or perhaps get conneted with the Order of the Red Cross if your anything Else. Some plans are in the works for gnomes. There's also some more criminal esque RP going on lately.

RP is hard to get into, but just get involved, it's not private. If you see some people in an inn, go for it. :)

Drop me a PM if you have any other questions/concerns. Or whisper me, I'm on Cade alot not. :P
Also think of the world that your character is in is the world that you live in and you are your character in that world. After all one person cannot be shy forever in the real world. So try to treat it like the real thing and meet people. Shake hands and say "Hi nice to meet you. Whats your name?" Oc course like in the real world some people keep to themsleves, others are shy or some will respond by saying "My name is __insert name here__. Whats yours?", just like the real world.
Adding to the great suggestions, you may simply try to use LFG in-game and ask if anyone cares to RP. I find myself in a friends only circle recently and I would like to meet and RP with someone new, I'm also sure that I am not the only one.

Create a character that could communicate with almost anyone, be polite, get to know people OOC and ICly, it really helps and makes all the difference.
Judging from experience, i would lean away from blood elves for roleplay. Three bloodelves in an inn, all strangers, they are more likely to sit at opposing corners and eye up the others.

A nice idea to get to know people is on a Tauren, as they are generally the more tollerated race with a higher reputation with other factions.
My suggestion: log in to any character, type /who and see where many people are located (excluding Darkshore for the OoC village). Roll or log in to a character fitting or nearby that location and get there as soon as possible. I have 4 chars that way now.
I find that the best way to find RP on the server is to simply ask for it on the chat and whatnot. As you get to know people, you will find it becomes much easier. ^^ Don't be afraid to speak up and whatnot. I've noticed it's the quiet and shy ones that often take the longest to really ease themselves into the community. It's understandable but don't worry about asking. We don't bite!... Much..