Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Trybit's Intro
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Well... Here Go's
First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
Well...About me....Lets see. First and for most I been a long Time Rp person. Not just On Message boards and Chats but also on Warcraft. Thought the ones they got on there really don't count as no one Rp's there but that's besides the point. As a player im most of the time there for anyone that I know even when im doing something as well as someone to count on when your in the thick of things.I dont know if that tells you about me as a played but I got into Warcraft about 3 years ago and never stopped. Thought Now I look for something new to play.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I come from the United States and I live in the south...though I wont tell you any more as most people start to crack wise about it. I speak English but Is I must I do know enough Spanish to get me by.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Well about 3 years ago I think...I had never really done any of the online game thing before and there was so many to start from. Star Wars, FF11, and Everquest just to name a few but I landed on Warcraft and never left since.

What made you seek our server over others?:
Well I had tried the others like WoWbee;s and such but really there was no RP in them and so I went looking. Stumbled on you guys thanks to the magic of google....

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Do I have to pick just one as I love them all. As I said I had been RPing for some time and I grown used to them all. I cant just pick one as I love them all.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Now that is tough but im going to have to go with the Undead on this one. Don't get me wrong the Blood Elfs are good but for the Class of Rogue I got with Undead all the way as Rogue is my Class.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Well Just good Roll Play mixed with a little of Warcraft is all I expect. what more could anyone ask for other than that...unless there is a talking monkey? Is there?

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Well I like them all but if im going to go with any one very hard it would be Respect. You have to have Respect for the other players and people around you on the place. One bad apple gets in the rest are not having a good time.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
(Well Not sure how to go about this if this is on WOW so Im going to write it out as a story. In warcraft you can least act it out but here go's)

The Undead Rogue known as Trybit stayed hidden in the shadows of Darkshore Forest watching the Small village close to the Docks. He had been told by his superiors that this place was called Auberdine but he really did not care. The job was all that mattered to him and that was watching the docks and killing who ever might see him. Thought that was very rare as he was the best at what he did and that be killing and stealing his black little heart out. It seemed now for some time The Night Elfs and the Draenei have been meeting up and going into meetings. This had made Horde and his superiors very uneasy to say the least. though not enough to call on an army and come busting in...No. They thought they would send him in to find out what was going on. Trybit knew that they knew he would not let them down and he planed on keeping it that way.

Then something ticked in his head kind of like a super since of danged. Turning around slowly, Trybit saw a young Male Night Elf hunter out with his Cat Killing off the Local Wild life. Now Most of the time he would have just snapped him and get out of the place but today he could do no such thing. Hunters had a way of puling Rogues out of hiding. He was going to have to kill him and hide the body as best as he could before someone else say him do so. Trybit Slowly reached for both of his daggers and crept along the shadows watching him as to make sure he did not notice h was there. then when he got into the right spot he picked up a Rock and tossed it some where in the Brush. As always the animal went off after it thought that was the cat and the hunters first mistake...Never look for the noise in the bush. Then he sprang his ambush and come out of hiding and dug both of his daggers into the Hunters back. He did not even make a sound but just toppled to the ground and died. Though it was not over yet as he had to deal with the Cat.

The Cat was on him like a Hot meal in the winter time and Trybit was ready for him. Flipping the dagger in his right hand, he tossed it but missed it on purpose just to have the cat lunge at him. Just as Trybit thought it did and he cough it with his other dagger up under the chin. A yelp was all that was herd as the cat fell besides its master and died slowly. Reaching down and pulling his dagger from the cat, Trybit let out a low sigh and walked back to his spot...waiting for them to show up

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Nope...Just hope I can get in.
Welcome to the server, Trybit!