Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Imperial/Political/Colonization System
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Not sure if this has ever been suggested, but it's something I always used to include on my Habbo RPs, and always works like a charm.

Anywho, as the title implies, the system is based around the idea of being able to conquer other lands as a guild. I'll mostly describe it as how it was done in my Habbo RP, and can easily be worked around with. Anyways, when a guild has a certain amount of people (say 11+), that guild can claim a territory (not sure how you'd plan on limiting it) as their own, and of course, the leader of that guild is now the leader of the territory (and may choose their way of ruling, whether it be democratic, monarchy, totalitarian, etc.). They may also decide who is under them, including their council and such. That guild can become an empire by conquering various territories, which they must rule, and of course, take care of. Another guild is able to take over that territory through a war. When a guild challenges a guild that is in control of a territory, that guild must accept, and thus commences the war. That war would take place in the Battlegrounds (assuming the BG system works...), and obviously, the winning guild either takes that land or keeps that land (depending on the winner clearly). Not only would this give more fun for guilds, but it would allow a chance at trying to rule a territory, and just as real life, they must keep their territory stable. The territories under control would be recorded on these forums. Also, a possible warfare forum could help discuss guild affairs.

Note that this is a fairly rough idea, and I don't mind you turning it down because there can be many flaws, and it can be somewhat difficult. Feel free to work around with it, approve it, or deny it.
A guild of eleven or such people usually have a guild base, claiming territory is fine, as long as it's done through an IC manner and the place isn't a city or something. I guess doing stuff where you take over other G-Bases might be fun and such as long as both parties are willing to. But it's rather hard to build an 'empire' with eleven people and a few buildings at the most. It's hard to take over cities, even though Stromgarde was taken back by some players, probably around twenty to thirty that were involved, there was really more, because Stromgarde had like, 1200 left, plus the Stormwind reinforcements. It's really hard.

I just don't see this working out very well, a good idea. Just wouldn't work here. Though there was something brewing that Diethe brought up and I talked to him for awhile with. Was finding an empty place and starting up a city from there.
Yeah, there's a snowball's chance in Hell that you could make an empire with just players. Massive political movements happen in the CotH world, and progress is made, but it's done by NPCs for the most part. Players can influence the progress of events, and they can start movements that might sway an empire.