Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: An Introduction, Of the Osa-variety
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:

As a side note...i tend to ramble a lot in introductions like this (especially when doing things like this at like 3am). I do apologize in advance haha.

A bit about myself, as a player? Well..that could be a long boring read for you guys. So, i may just cut it down to a select few little tid-bits of info here and there. Mkay? Okay.
So Ive been a gamer basically all my life, starting out with the Atari and moving on from there. Most of my friends call me a 'closet-nerd', due to how i act and look in person. Really though, I'm a gamer till i die. I play just about everything there is out there, beat it, and then do it again cause i loved it so much. When it comes to Rp-wise, Ive only been doing WoW-Rp for a couple years now (mostly on Moon Guard, retail), but ive been apart of various forum-based Rp's as well as the occasional messenger/email rp here and there.
Various hobbies outside of gaming of the video style, include writing (Sci-fi and Fantasy fiction mostly), a bit of photography, photoshop fiddling, and table top gaming of the Warhammer 40k variety. I try to balance all my gaming out with a full work schedule, as i do work for a living (though like a lot of people, wish i could just get paid and not have to work all the time haha. ), as an office assistant for a major furniture distribution warehouse. Known as 'The Brick'.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:

I'm a good ol' Maple-syrup-in-my-blood, Canadian. English being my one and only language at the moment. Even then, its not the best haha.

How did you get into Warcraft?:

I originally got into Warcraft, 'back in the day' with the original game Warcraft, then moved along as the series progressed. Oddly enough though, when World of Warcraft came out, i actually refused to play it...poking fun at my friends who did play it. I didn't actually start to play WoW until just shortly after The Burning Crusade came out.
Even then, at the time i only did it out of boredom, and an large amount of free-money in my bank account. I'm sure glad i did though haha, that day i started my new addiction for the time being. Leveled myself a Blood Elf Paladin, 1-64 in less than 5 days on the PvE server, Nordrassil. (I was playing at an internet gaming center some friends of mine owned and ran, so i could only play 12hours at a time. ;>_> ) After that i had burnt myself out on that toon, and soon became an 'alt-whore' and made various alts, getting them till the mid 30s before stopping, or doing various mass-BG runs.
Then roughly 2 years or so ago, i came across the weird concept of WoW based Rp, intrigued i started to do some research into it, checking online, and not finding much help on which server to try out, etc..i eventually i just one. That one ended up being Moon Guard, which became my RP haven up until recently. There i made many friends, and a couple enemies, both IC and OOCly unfortunately.

What made you seek our server over others?:

I was/am actually helping a friend of mine manage his private RP server, as a GM, but the RP there is lacking for the time being due to the severe lack of members. So i started to look over the interwebs for more private-based RP servers, and out of all the ones i found, you guys came out on a large margin.
I crave RP in WoW now-a-days, and low-pop servers with only 5 or some people on at any given time, and who already have set stories being played out, just doesn't cut it when trying to find something new.
I'm hoping you guys are the diamond amongst rocks.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:

I enjoy all types of Roleplaying, and try to get a mix all aspects of it. Usually there's more talking and hanging around, than up in your face-stabby-stab-stabiness..

Shocking right?

Not really? Darn...uh...*insert flash bomb here*




What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

I catch a lot of flak for this, but i really do favor the Blood Elves (Trolls being a very close second) over any other race Horde side (as ive actually only ever played Horde. No lie). There's just something about their history that catches me, and keeps a hold. Blood Knights to the Farstriders...Eeeee ^-^
As for class, well..that's a tough one. As a self-proclaimed 'altwhore' I play everything, but i do tend to play Hunters (Oh noes!! ;>_>) and Rogues more than any other class.

What are your expectations of this server?:

As long as its a server that holds up to its reputation, of being a friendly and accepting community of Roleplayers, then i have no other expectations really.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

If you want me to pick just one, that might be i agree to everything you have listed. BUT! if i must at least narrow it down, then I'd have to say. Respect, Tolerance, Maturity, and Keyboarding skills appeal to me the most, as its what i base a lot of servers on when i first join them. If they fail at any major point under those headings I'll flat out leave and not recommend the server to anyone i know in any of the communities I'm apart of.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

( this isn't really WoW-based. Not even close..but its what i felt like writing out at the moment. If you want something more WoW-based, then by all means let me know and ill pop something out. )

Zane grinned inwardly as he listened to the Cannoness's little speech from the darkness of a hatchway on the other side of the area, the dark coloring of his armor hiding him well enough. It seemed the sight of an eight-foot plus, fully armed and armored Marine scared quite a few of the ships inhabitants, crew and guardsmen alike. It wasn't often that the Imperial Guard got to see an actual Space Marine other than from afar, most would have heard stories of course..but to actually see one, well that was a whole new ball game.

The feeling a small flutter travel through both his hearts made him grin a bit more as she neared the end of her lectern. Speeches of the Emperors glory and victory in battle always stirred him like that, ever since he was a young initiate looking up at his Battle Brothers with awe at their tales of glory and battle. Sister Redra was good, but she could never accomplish the same level of intensity and power one of the Chapters Chaplains could, but without one of them here, the Cannoness would have to do. He made a mental note to talk with Sister Redra later, though he was not the Commander, he still liked to know things, knowledge was as potent a weapon as the blade he wielded.

In truth he didn't really need to be aboard the ship, but he wanted to see who his allies were, and if he could really rely upon them in the battles to come. Guardsmen were always a gamble when it came to fighting easily corrupted. Zane had lost count of how many he had put cut down with his sword, or shot down with his Bolter. No it was better to check for himself than place trust in them, his trust would be better suited for his Brother Marines and for the Emperor. He watched in silence as the Cannoness finished and left the 'Bunks' area, though her presence was soon replaced by the Captain of the 117th, a man he would have to size up right away, and there was no time like the present.

The Guardsmen of the 117th were about to be given quite the treat as Zain stepped into the massive room, his bulk barely fitting through the bulkhead's doorway, the artificial lighting glinting off his Midnight blue and black armor, its bone white trim shining brightly. Holstered at his side was his Boltpistol, He had opted to leave his sword with the Techmarines back on the Strike Cruiser, to be worked on and properly blessed. He stood there a fraction of a second, allowing his optic sensors to readjust to the lighting change before moving forward again, towards the kneeling Guardsmen, the Captain, and the Commissar.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:

Uhm...Cake or Death? O_o


I read the first paragraph and instantly skipped to post this:


Has it got any worse? Anyway, I'm also going to give you a nice big WELCOME
Oh yes, i fully, and proudly admit to that fact haha.

Moon Guard has, well..its had its ups and downs. I left on an up, and haven't been on for...a few months so I'm not too sure how its sitting right now. xD

and YAY! Thanks for the welcome! :D
No problem! When I left, which appears to be the same time as you, it seemed that the griefer and "Illidan-princess" RP was rising. I fear for my little server. Probably moreso because Jelme was born there.