Conquest of the Horde

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Well, I'm mainly a PVP person when I was on retail, but i grew into an roleplayer thanks to my friend.
I come from the U.S. and speak english.
My older brother got me into playing world of warcraft.
Two of my friends play on the server and said it was good and I thought that I would join them.
I don't really know what types of roleplays I'm into yet, because I haven't been into roleplaying.
My favorite race is night elf and my favorite class is a toss up between palainds and rouges.
Well a place to have a good time and have fun.
Knowing when to quit, because I think people need to know when to leave something be or just let it go.
One day mr. Pinchy was running around a tree getting lost in his thoughts. When a golden egg rolled by and he went after the golden egg traveling many mile until the egg stopped at a lake. Mr. Pinchy reached for the egg and a murloc grabed it and ran off. Needless to say this made mr. Pinchy anrgy and he ran after this murloc in a blind rage his eyes glowing bluw and green slime dripping out of his mouth. After two hours of running mr. Pinchy gets the murloc to the edge of a clif and in the rage he runs off the edge and falls into the water below and crashes into the rocks and is taken away. Three days later he lands on an island that is filled with golden eggs and eats every eggs he can get his claws on.
You'll want to read what you were supposed to, and then post the right intro format.
You should elaborate on this more! Roleplaying is about writing. Also, put the questions in so we can tell what you're talking about.