Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: -The- solution for Forsaken + Common
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All righty, today, I had some RP with a Gnomish Warlock who spoke Demonic, I asked him how he did that. He had a mod for doing so, Tongues.

It's a mod that can learn you any language you want, as long as it exists, it also solutes the problem stated in Here. I have yet to discover its effectiveness completely, but it works, and I'm quite sure Forsaken can learn Common through this.

There are flaws, however, people abusing this. But hey, I felt like posting this, seeing this community is mature enough not to abuse the mod.

That actually really messes up cross faction communication, in a lot of ways.
Rensin Wrote:That actually really messes up cross faction communication, in a lot of ways.
Like it wasn't...

As I said, the flaw is people abusing it, which I hope won't happen.

ALSO, people can now unlearn languages they already know, too.
Were you on the same faction as the gnome?

Because those language addons usually have another, built in, "block" to ensure that players can't learn the other factions langauge, so even if you had an orc and a gnomes with Tongues and both spoke Demonic, the translations wouldn't reach the other.

It makes, or at least used to, so that you can't select Orcish and speak that, from the normal langauge options, so effectively blocks all cross faction communication from the player's side.
It's not working actually. Neither Tongues nor Lore or any other similar addon for that matter.

Nostra is right, it does the "translation" through other methods, check the xml files. It basically converts "words" judging by the number of letters and other similar ways into words that actually exist in these files (e.g.: belore, anu, falah and so on).
The translation is done only for the person with the same addon on the same faction. Check the "readme" section on the curse website.

Quote:What it doesn't do:
It won't ever translate cross-faction.

Why not? Aside from the EULA, which prohibits this,the other reason for this is because of the method that Blizzard uses to generate its languages. For instance, a Human speaking Common being heard by the Horde may see a word like "hir" this could mean "the" or it could be "toc" - table of contents - it depends on the context, which you don't know because all the words are encrypted. The algorithm to figure this out would have to be extraordinarily complex.

It won't ever translate languages from or to users not using this AddOn.
Aye, missed that.

Ah well, you can lock this topic, I think.
Thanks for the attempt, though! Hehe.