Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Crashing upon entering Shatterspear Village
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The source of the problem seems to be my "World\wmo\Northrend\Buildings\WinterOrc\ND_HordeGunship.wmo". I tried repairing but it didn't detect any errors. Any ideas?

I really don't want to reinstall / patch :[
Do you have WOTLK installed? If not, that's the reason. The Orc gunship is a Wrath of the Lich King model.
Well I'd think any models that they use outside of Northrend would have to be included in patches, couldn't go around cutting off retailers from Shatterspear, could they?

Unless it's something special for our server. Oh well. Guess I'll get on picking that up.
The whole of Shatterspear is special for the server, it's closed off on retail.

As for the Zepp, we'll have the janitor fix that eventually.

Mikain, get to work! *whiplash*
...Right on it? *Gets a hook, begins pulling Warship down*
Ahh, excuse my lack of knowledge, could swear from the few seconds I was there before crashing it looked like... some troll village in the jungle? >_> That I'd been to...

in the past?

Shatterspear Village is an easter egg in vanilla WoW. Like the Ironforge Airport in Dun Morogh it was placed to give players flying from A to B something to look at and gawk at for a few seconds. It's sometimes effectionately known as the "Dancing Troll Village". Well, it was back in Aman'Thul. It's probably a secluded tribe of Trolls lore-wise.

Kretol just modified it to be an OOC area to get all the things you need in one handy spot.

EDIT: And no, I went on WoWwiki -AFTER- I typed all that. We retailers and our endless knowledge and such.
I had the same problem, with the "Fatal Error" thing, and installing WotLK fixed it.