Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Addons won't work
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So, basically, my RP addons won't even load into the game despite me trying different ways of downloading and installing the files into the AddOns folder. They are where they are supposed to be but they won't even appear in the list of addons when I run the game. (Both Launcher and non-launcher.) I already have ticked the box that says "Load outdated addons", so what am I missing? I have asked the people currently online in /chat and nothing of what I hear there works.

These addons worked perfectly before I patched from 3.0.9 to 3.1.3. Does the fact that I have Windows Vista change anything?

I just don't see what the problem is. Does anyone have a clue?

The addons not functioning are: GHI, GHR, and FlagRSP.
Kretol found the solution, deleted this post.
Your current addons (made for 3.0.9) went out of date when you patched up to 3.1.3.
Uninstall the addons you have now, install the up-to-date versions made for 3.1.3.
Quote:my RP addons won't even load into the game despite me trying different ways of downloading and installing the files into the AddOns folder

The problem is that they do not show up at all, not so much that they are out of date.

If I read that wrong, then I pity the fool that is me.
I have the same problem though I have World of Warcraft saved in my Public Folder instead of my Program Files. I have also downloaded the most recent versions of my mods but, like the OP, I cannot seem to find them in my Addon listing at the Login page.

I've also deleted my Cache Folder.
I had to create 2 folders for mine to work and I use VISTA (gag).

Create in your main WOW directory "Interface"

In that folder, make "AddOns"

So is looks something like: .../World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/

If this answer was already tried, apologies >:+) It has worked for me recently.

ALSO: For Vista (heave) users, try running it as Administrator or log in as Admin...

Aha! I discovered the problem!

For some strange reason my Interface folder had been renamed to Interface .20090721-123831.
I simply deleted the .20090721-123831 and miracles took place! Thanks for the pointers Zason.
That was probably from running the repair utility. If you have the options checked, I believe it renames the folders of whatever you tell it to purge (ie, addons, WTF folder, etc.).
Oh! Interesting . . . I'll be sure to double check every time I run Repair that things are in order.

Thank you all for the help!
Sense I really don't want to start a big mess about it, I will just simply add my own addon problems in to this post :D.

I seem to have a problem installing addons. My problem is that unlike the normal C:/World Of Warcraft/Interface/Addons, I seem to have /World Of Warcraft/Data/EnGB/Interface with no addon folder inside. As I try to make a folder and put my addons in there, the game itself doesn't seem to notice and right o way it informs that I only posess the pre-installed Blizzard calender and such addons.

Might I inquire if anyone has a solution to my problem?
Try making a separate Interface folder outside of Data and then making an AddOns folder inside of that. I'm pretty sure something similar happened to me a few years ago and that's what I did, if I recall correctly.
Thank you! It worked. I actually made an Interface folder already, but by your suggestion I started re-checking and I had accidentally named it "Intercafe" folder.

Once again thanks, you are a real life saver.