Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Vendors with Reputation Items
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So, here's something I'll try doing.

If there is a vendor somewhere that may have an item or several that you may need for a unique appearance (ie, can't really find another item with that appearance), feel free to post a reply here.
However, here's the information I'll need (and will either ignore or simply delete any post not including it):
The vendor name - The vendor's NPC Id
A link to said NPC on Wowhead
At least one of the items you seek that has the rep requirement on the vendor

Quartermaster Urgronn - 17585
[item]Warbringer[/item] - It has a really awesome graphic that I could use for my orc tanky warrior!

-OR- (to look nicer)

Quartermaster Urgronn - 17585
[item]Warbringer[/item] - It has a really awesome graphic that I could use for my orc tanky warrior!

Keep in mind that the NPC tooltip will be automatic if you use the URL BBCode correctly. For the item, you can use the [ item ] BBCode.
Bear in mind that I will probably only intermittently go through these requests, so don't expect items to lose their rep requirement within a day or so. Also, I cannot guarantee that I will approve every request.

As an addendum, you can also use the [ npc ] BBCode as well for auto-tooltips, though keep in mind to only use it for a unique-named NPC, or else it may link to the incorrect one.
Example: [npc]Quartermaster Urgronn[/npc]
Trader Narasu-20240

Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk

I am unsure how to... make the item show but yeah.
My Draenei, Turbash, likes Talbuks and dislikes Elekks. It is an ideal mount for him!
Logistics Officer Silverstone
[item]Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper[/item]

Ripley can ICly (See: Barely) piece together a vehicle, and almost OOCly do it (See: Missing 11 Engineering Points), and I would appreciate being able to purchase these schematics without having to do hundreds upon thousands of quests. I'm obviously not going to make 100000 of them for everyone because, A) That's a lot of work and time (and money) on my part OOCly, and B) I'm ICly not a machine and can't do them quickly, or well done in general.
Cielstrasza - 15282

Fang of Truth. I have it in my inventory, and it would look -so- awesome in my Rp set, as well as others that may want to use it >:D!!
Done with all above requests (along with the Horde equivalents).
Also, as stated before, please use wowhead for linking, or simply use the appropriate BBCode, as demonstrated in the first post.
Trader Narasu - 20240
[item]Reins of the White War Talbuk[/item]

Very nice graphics that would go along much better with Telika's persona then the black one.
Er.. he was just done. Purge your cache.
I did. Twice.
He still doesn't like me enough to sell. Sairuk, Kalu'ak Quartermaster Mastercraft Kalu'ak fishing pole
It looks awesome, plus it fits way better with my Troll than a normal fishing rod. Nurtured Penguin Egg
ohmigawddowant. It would make the perfect pet for my Frost Mage.

Also, double-checked Narasu, and he was indeed fine.
Locking, as this is irrelevant now.