Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Stone Coffin (intro for Commissariot)
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Tell us about yourself, as a player:
(This can be anything. We like to get a feel for those that will be integrating themselves into our community.)
Why thanks to you for asking. Im a rather simple RP gamer with...a few quirks.Most of which are harmless. Others can rub people the wrong way if there not expecting them. The most important of which is very very rarely will I "slack" my characters personality just to make them easier or harder to relate with. Oh! and Im twenty

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
(We ask this, as we take this into consideration with players that do not primarily speak English.)
Im United States Born and bred. Which means that my primary language is english, though like most english-speaking natives, im still learning its minor tweaks and highpoints. English is tough!

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Ive been playing Warcraft since I got my first computer. (which was warcraft two,) When World of Warcraft I was so excited that the week of its release I was nearly backflipping off my deck with excitement.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
(Some enjoy relaxing tavern roleplay. Others enjoy fighting, action and danger. Some in crowds, some in pairs. What appeals to you the most?)
Gimmie it all and keep it coming! I enjoy nearly every kind of rp, as long as it all makes sense within its own parameters

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Ohh this is a tough question. If i had to choose it would be High Elves and rogues. (please note I did -not- say blood elves, that race is busted in WoW land.)

What are your expectations of this server?:
Expectations is such a big word, lets go with hope instead. I am hoping for a rp home, ive been wandering around RP severs all over WoW and havnt really found anything that worked, if it wasnt that it simply wasnt a rp server at all, it was that the rp that happens there is hardly worthy to be called that and was more a cyber nonsese with a fantasy element.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
(Feel free to review our rules listed here.)
Honestly? the Introduction system! I love it, its like a mini/qausi application just to make sure your a right fit. I bow to the intellegence behind such a simple action.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

The swamps of the remains of Stratholm smelled anything other then pleasent. The mix of sulfur, humidity and rotting undead was a purfume only a drunk noseless ogre could find within the realms of fashionable. But, sadly simply leaving the muck filled disgust was simply not in my abilities. The lich king wants easily influenced heroes of old to bolster his deathknights. Veteran orcs from the second war were always best. They trusted deathknights, appearently the third war wasnt the only time the legion called them to service.
The hard part was finding anything even usuable of these degenarate orcs of old. The horde was notorious for simply trampling over there dead, let alone burying them. But there heroes were well respected, and this one had been rumored to have been buried outside of the spot of her death.
I almost cried of laughter at the idea. If my tear ducts werent rotted to nothing Im sure I would have, a Orcish female hero, certianly -had- to be a myth. But, indeed, the records of the war do make mention of one slender, incredably lithe beserker that had faint mentions since the first war. Could indeed easily be a woman. Orcs arnt known for there lithe actions.
Now, after some idea of her burial site and proof, I was out here, with abominations and those damned cultists that never stop spouting annoying lich king amibtions. Yesof course, we get it your here to serve. Now serve and stop talking about it. I grumbled to myslef as I sat on the only dry treetrunk in the entire damn cursed muck. Only to be interrupted by a panting cultist.
"Sir Necromancer! We found her! we found her." He sickly undead grinned from chewed ear to torn cheek. I stood and quickly followed the excited shambling man, to a long, stone coffin. seemingly hacked out of the stone by a axe or even another rock. Damned orcs are so crude.
"Do we know her name in life?" I asked the cultists wiping the slime from the coffin. One nodded. "Of course sir! the tomb reads Ghaz'kall The Bloodletter!" I nodded, names were not necissary, but with orcs it was a boon, most orcish heroes tended not to react well when there brought back and see humans, undead or no.
I cast the ressurect spell all necromancers were given by the lich king himself when raising a Deathknight. More powerful, more components and movements, and most important, more sarifices. The spell was rather quick, and like all acolytes, this one was more then happy to
give his life to any cause, he slumped ot the floor, skin melted clear from his body, and restored on the skeletal corpse inside the coffin, bone, flesh and soul.
The orcish woman rose from her coffin almost like rising from a quick nap, threaded with heavy muscle and thick, orcish skin. She growled, and hefted a impossibly large axe from the bottom of the coffin. and in one swift movement, sliced off the heads of the last two acolytes of the salvage team.
I quickly held up my arms and bowed to my knees. "Ghaz'kall Bloodletter! I am but a humble servant of our lord Ogrim Doomhammer! I was sent here to bring you back from your deadly slumber, to serve again as a Deathknight! The fight goes on, and we need you again..."
Her axe slowed its deadly swing, she growled, and sniffed me. then nodded, lowering her axe. Only to speak in her native tongue.
"Then let the Alliance fear the yell of Bloodletter again!"

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
(This can be anything. Questions/Comments are always welcome.)
The above story is the start of my orc deathknight from the eyes of the necromancer that raised her. (if you didnt know, her name is Ghaz'kall.) Also I tend to flip letters within words, most of the time its harmless but it can get confusing. (like just becomes jsut.) this isnt me not paying attention, its a medical condition having to do with the way my eyes read words. I fix it pretty quickly, but sometimes in rp when I am rushed I dont edit it fast enough. I ask for leniance with this since I dont mean for it to happen.
Welcome to the Server!

Your intro was well written, can't wait to Rp with you!

Oh and sorry, no Quel'dorei!