Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: New channel regarding lore
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Hmm, I'm usually bad at suggestions, but I'll give it a shot.

Today, I wanted to know something about the lore in which I required to spam the channel quite a bit, so, I invited someone that I could discuss it with to a custom channel that I named lorelol. There, we had quite a nice discussion purely about lore. If that discussion was held in Chat, we would've already been called to stop the chatting for spamming the screen, which also bothers me. Chat is for WoW-related discussions, and as soon as it gets spammy people want you to go to BarrensChat and keep whining about it.

Big story made short, a new channel purely for lore-discussing would be superb.
I like this idea as well. I agree, at times the lines of what belongs in /chat is blurred. What the wiki says and what the players say do not always agree. I do not even join the /barrenschat as I have had my fill on retail, heh. I would however be happy to join a /lore chat. >:+)

The main chat channel is specifically chosen for lore, and it is totally optional to be in. Sure, if things get out of hand with a long, long, LONG conversation you can ask them if they could take it elsewhere, but the point is that we shouldn't have to shuffle lore out of the channel. All it would do is just make the primary chat channel thinner and thinner until everything has a tertiary channel that only a few people are in, rather than all in one for a congenial discussion or quick questions about this and that. I -hate- to be the 'if you don't like it leave' type of person, but it's either 'This conversation is getting really out of hand, can you take it to X' or '/leave chat'
I expected such a comment, and I do agree with it. But people tend to be really sensitive when the discussion is about something that does not interest them. If something strictly remains related to WoW and lore, it should be allowed to remain in chat. But most people seem to think otherwise, think about it.
Ideally, any conversations in /chat should not impede the RP for people on the server. For /Barrenschat, it really does not matter, as it's your choice if you want to be there or not and experience the lulz.

I do rather like the idea of just a "lore" channel, as I do agree that spammy conversations can get ruined in Barrenschat...So you should...uh...go ahead with it. /Sagenod
Rubykuby Wrote:I expected such a comment, and I do agree with it. But people tend to be really sensitive when the discussion is about something that does not interest them. If something strictly remains related to WoW and lore, it should be allowed to remain in chat. But most people seem to think otherwise, think about it.

Shows how much I read the thread, I thought you were intending the opposite.
We have had this brought up a few times and everytime the answer has been that we're not going to create a new channel, if a player wants to, go ahead, but it likely won't be listed in the Wiki and such. I also think a specific lore channel has been made a few times as well, though it tends to die after only a few days.

That said, we don't have anything against player-made channels, so if you wanna do it, just, as the great Nike says, Do it. I might join in a few times myself!
Whilst it's a good idea, if it were to stick around for a while, chances are people would just be saying "Go to Lore! >:|" everytime someone attempted to talk about lore in Chat, seeing as that's what happens now. Except with Barrenschat.