Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Hood me!
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Hey guys and gals. I was wondering if there was a way to get a hood that is modeled like the [item]Acherus Knight's Hood[/item]? I would like a white one like the [item]Shadow Council Cowl[/item] but shaped and covering the face like the DK Hood. I checked Wowhead and do not see a match. What is the chance of getting a DK Hood if another option/drop is not available? I am not above groveling... to Kretol... I hear he has a large sack... for storing phat loots... srsly...
As far as I'm aware - no such item exists. Sorry.
We don't do custom models and re-textures. Never have.
You could always go for [item]Medic's Hood[/item], works perfectly fine for my chars.

Edit: (or 1 of it's 22 look-a-likes: (Some have a different color)
[item]Elder Headpiece[/item]
[item]Mammoth-hair Crown[/item]
[item]Abandoned Hood[/item]
[item]Benevolent Hood[/item]
[item]Bloodbinder's Hood[/item]
[item]Bloodspore Hood[/item]
[item]Bristlepine Headpiece[/item]
[item]Duskweave Cowl[/item]
[item]Ethereal Hood[/item]
[item]Farshire Hood[/item]
[item]Fisherman's Earwarmer[/item]
[item]Foothold Hood[/item]
[item]Icemist Circlet[/item]
[item]Mender's Cover[/item]
[item]Mur'ghoul Cap[/item]
[item]Shock-Proof Head Protector[/item]
[item]Tethys Hood[/item]
[item]Transborean Cover[/item]
[item]Voldrune Crown[/item]
[item]Wastewind Headcover[/item]
[item]Wyrmward Cover[/item])
Kaghuros Wrote:We don't do custom models and re-textures. Never have.
I know. >:+) I was asking it a GM would give a started DK item to a non DK as is. There is no class req. but its BOP and its only picked up when a DK is created. >:+)

Thanks Zarakk, I checked those out, any of them happen to be white-ish? I noticed a few did not have screenshots.

You asked for one that was white. There isn't a white one. If you got a token you could get a DK hood for yourself.
I know myself, and many others would be more than happy to loan/give you the money to get a token!

If you're ever in-game, just message either Lou, Avelyn or Jezk regarding this!
I love both of you, thank you very much! >:+D
There's always this:

Though it does have a bit of a blue glow around it. Might be what you're looking for though.
That is a good one as well! /hug