Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Back and burned.
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Well I'm back and it was pretty fun. Three hour trip to the middle of nowhere and then a 25 minute canoe ride down the river to the campsite. I manged to finish Rise of the Horde on the way and recommend it to everyone. Made me feel good making a huge fire after reading it hehe. Anyway did some fishing got about seven or eight big sunfish and a pike, swimming in a river that is practically untouched by people other then us and a few others. Portaged down a river and saw a huge beaver dam that was about 15-20 meters wide and 5 meters high and lowered the water level by about 4 meters on one side. I'll have some pictures soon when I get them from the people who came with me.

I'm a little burned :(

The sun was not forgiving out there but it's not that bad :)

I'll be active on server and forums as usual hope everyone had eventful three days.
Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

(That's for each day you where gone) :D

Welcome Back!
(And one Extra)
Welcome back Tales! :o
Welcome back indeed! You got any nifty pictures?
Tales23 Wrote:I manged to finish Rise of the Horde on the way and recommend it to everyone.

That is hands down my favorite Warcraft novel. Welcome back.
/CSS shank
Owh, welcome back! So, no savagekins? :D
Never seen a beaver dam myself...

Anywho, welcome back Tales!