Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: My introduction and greetings.
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:

(This can be anything. We like to get a feel for those that will be integrating themselves into our community.)
My names is Joe and I'm from Milwaukee, Wis. Currently I'm in the military, stationed at Fort Stewart, GA and have been in for three and a half years. I'm 22 and have been role-playing since I was 13, starting out on emulated Ultima Online servers and migrating ever since. My brother Paul who is 32 always was an avid fan of RPG's starting with the Final Fantasy series. What was a hobby to my brother quickly became something I enjoyed with passion.
Only recently (And still playing one) have I branched out from the UO emulated servers. The main reason is because the role-play level on those private servers is amazing; they have been at it for years. Slowly I've been trying to transition more and more to WoW private role-playing servers but there are few and those few lack a lot. Can honestly say Conquest of the Horde is very promising and reminds of the role-play first communities I come from.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
(We ask this, as we take this into consideration with players that do not primarily speak English.)
America, English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Was a fan of Starcraft and broke into the Warcraft series on After a few years of playing they started the development of World of Warcraft and got interested in that.

What made you seek our server over others?:

There is not any server in this genre that matter. Conquest of the Horde blows anything close out of the water, I tried the WoW pay to play role-play servers and it's the same as the private role-play servers. From firsthand experience emulated WoW role-playing is young compared to other cracked games, since it is the development and depth is lacking on many. Conquest has separated itself with maturity and meaning. I'm taken back by the love for role-playing and story from a community that comes from WoW.

What kinds of role-play do you enjoy?:

(Some enjoy relaxing tavern role-play. Others enjoy fighting, action and danger. Some in crowds, some in pairs. What appeals to you the most?)
The role-play I see myself enjoying most is day to day activity that leads into something great. Friendship's and community are also awesome because of what you can put together. Sitting around discussing the world events and direction of things between your companions gives you a feeling of self for your character. Just being able to get yourself into the world by imagination, knowing each of his quirks and defining his personality. Really I just love the day to day basics mixed with ongoing events, the joy of shaping who I play as if I'm writing a story.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

Used to be the warrior class but recently ive enjoyed the paladin class. Paladins take interest in me because of their background. One of the greatest they had betrayed them, another died from his pupil. They are the men and women who make up the scourge and once were the Alliances greatest. The class in itself is fun to play mechanically and has the best abilities to enhance its role-play aspect. Many of the WoW classes I think were designed for mechanics, paladins are one of the few Blizzard in my mind aimed for a sense of character, sense of story.

What are your expectations of this server?:

A breakthrough of what emulated WoW role-play servers can be. I'm expecting a community of maturity, players who can separate what happens in-game to who they are outside. A feeling of depth to which the players immerse in and keep the world turning.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
(Feel free to review our rules listed here.)

Enforced role-play.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Well, I'm going to giving a history of who I play so I guess I will do that for my story..
Velice was born five years after the invading orcs had brought destruction. His father was just a local farmer but became part of the militia that guarded Stormwind. When the first invading wave hit, the Orcs faced defeat and were forced to flee. Time passed and Blackhand of the Orcs is slain by Doomhammer who succeeds him. At this point they launch another attack on the kingdom, this time successful. Velice's father Adonai was slain in the battle and with Stormwind destroyed and his mother being a widow they were forced to flee to Lordaeron.
Velice had a normal childhood, often playing at the local Church of Light when his mother allowed him out. At the time of Beyond the Dark Portal took place he was only six. Time passed and he attended the Church of Light during his childhood years, aspiring to be a priest. By the time he turned sixteen those days were over, dreams of becoming a priest became dreams of a paladin's righteous ways. He often sat watching Uther during parades after homecomings from lands he never thought he would be. Idolizing him he trained hard to be him, to live adventure. His only problem was his mother who was content to have him be a lumberer. In secret he used his sledgehammer as a practice weapon, training and study the ways of paladins.
He would be twenty when the Reign of Chaos would come and plagues would hit cities like nothing ever seen before. Joining the military he set out to combat anything that stood in his Nations way. He never fought alongside Uther or the Prince he admired, though he did fight and sacrifice just as much. The ideal of beauty in war that he held faded, he saw his friends die and rise, cities fall and burn. When his morale fell the lowest he thought possible Lordaeron fell and news of his Princes betray and Uthers death hit. If faith could ever have been lost for him it was then.
He fled to Stormwind after hearing of his mothers fall to the plague. It was there he rebuilt his life, taking up the axe once more and spending time as a lumberer. His mind never floated to being righteous, fighting for his people and finding a point in what they fought for. He was down and out, his life had found no victory in these losses he had. It was like this until he heard news of Arthas, the Prince of Betrayal. The one he cared most to fight had risen in Northrend and stood to claim all there was. Velice had played no role during the events of the Burning Crusade, he layed low in a slump of depression. Now that the ruler of his pain, holder of all that was unjust had come again to take more had it become a passion, something to fight for.
( This is where his story begins on logging in )

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
(This can be anything. Questions/Comments are always welcome.)

No, I've read up on old posts, the wiki and rules. Pretty much pillaged the website for information at work ( Army has me behind a desk right now ) and got the details down.

EDIT: And my short story is only for my introduction, my character concept that will be for the wiki will be an orc.