Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Asheth - Introduction.
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:

I'm 23 years old and live in Los Angeles California.
I'm female. I enjoy writing, cooking, gaming and drawing.
I'm currently a Culinary Arts Student at a local college.

I've played World of Warcraft off and on, being addicted to it, then just plain bored of it and now... back to it. XD

Even though I can't afford the official server right now, I still wanted to check around and see if there was any sort of private server that wouldn't leave a bad taste in my mouth; (Instant 70/fully geared blah blah.)
I wanted to find something that I could stick with and get into, so over the years I've checked around and finally gave up on finding an RP server... Most of the servers out there are PvP and I'm not really interested in strutting the same stuff everyone else has.

Ah... but a miracle did happen: A person I know had a private server up and running... :( Then it turned out to be instant 80 and such, hunching my shoulders I sadly shook my head, feeling I would never find a place for myself. After almost giving up, I decided to give it one more chance: I used Google "World of warcraft Private RP server" *hits enter* "OH MY! " Well, you KNOW I clicked on it, how else would I be here posting an introduction?

So, in closing, good people: I am, as a player, someone who likes to get into the game and view every aspect, explore every little dark spot on the map and talk people's ears off if they'll let me. (<_< I can. Yes. I. Can.) I can be helpful as well as hindering, but only if I've had a problem with the person who I am hindering. (someone who's begging me, or Needing loot that they can't use, another words: an unruly team-mate.) I will go out of my way to make sure I help whoever I can completely and not shirk it off, even if I feel like I don't have the time, I will make it.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
America. English speaker, don't know any other languages. (I have tried learning Spanish in the past, but it's just too difficult and I'm not particularly interested in speaking it... Wouldn't it be more exciting to speak French or Chinese?! German or Japanese?!) LA isn't really a city of Angels, mostly just bums and people trying to get through the day, even if they do move a bit too fast... stop and smell the roses, not run them over in your rush to get to where you think you need to be. I've only ever been to Oregon, not much of a traveler.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Ahh... Magical. I first found out about World of Warcraft after I bought Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. There was a promotional video for it, this was around when they first made the thing, my reaction to it was "...Holy moly. There's a fricken dwarf right there, his beard... oh I love his beard. DWARVES RULE!" (I was 16, could barely spell and didn't know how to control my shift key, also a big fan of Dwarves, as you can probably tell.)
Unfortunately, I didn't have the money and couldn't afford to buy the game, so I ended up playing another MMORPG - City of Heroes. I think when I was about 19 I was finally able to get the game, my first character was (of course.) a female Dwarven Hunter. I was so happy... so blissfully unaware of anything BUT my Dwarf. "Bellenas the lone Dwarven Huntress stalks her prey, watching his every twitch and hop...." At about 18, I got tired of her and started playing a Female Night Elf Druid, which I got to 65(it was a REALLY fun class to play.), then sold the account... Hey, I needed the money, ok?! D: Unfortunately, I had met my BESTEST friend on WoW, and a whole lot of other nice people, so I was pretty much disappointed when I couldn't see/play/talk to/with them. I eventually persuaded someone to let me use their account, they had multiple accounts and weren't using the one they lent me, I played it for a while, leveling a Draenei Shaman to 70, then the magic was gone... "I'm 70, I've pretty much got everything I wanted: Gnomish Gyrocoptor - Check..." So, I decided to start up a new character, this time Horde - Because I hadn't really played Horde side at all. Blood Elves are my new love. Dwarves were all fine and good, but have you ever met a dwarf named Narly? Good GOD. Ok. After that, I was hooked into it firmly, and only stopped off playing because my Doctor told me I should take a break from the PC (Have Epilepsy.) after I had a seizure. Every day, as I read books and toiled away with my own writing all I could think about was playing WoW... so that, to make a long story short, is how I got hooked into the game: Friends, Dwarves, Blood Elves and HIGH adventure. (Holy Moly. D: I didn't mean to go on so much.)

What made you seek our server over others?:
It seems like it's probably the best server out there for RP, I didn't have to go through any of the "Vote top 100" sites to get to it. #2 on my Google Search, "TOP 100 WOW SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!" was #1. It's almost impossible to find a server for RP that seems as intact as your own server. (everything is either low populace or dead.) And the rules seemed pretty fair.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I can play a lot of roles, but my favorite role to play would probably be a Peasant gone TOTALLY crazy after her/his farm was over-run with people killing his livestock (Heroes/Monsters of course...) and decides to do something about it: To protect his/her fellow farmer from the woes he/she has faced in the name of someone/something's adventure.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

Blood Elves - They've got such a wonderful and delicate looking design, as well as the haunting design of the villages in Tranquillian, showing that there was beauty there before it was struck by the Legion. Their attitudes as being "all that and a box of chocolates" is also very interesting because of the fact that their race is (or seems to be) slowly dwindling out because their main source of magic has been destroyed yet they, even though they miss feeding off the Sunwell, still manage to persevere and party in the midst of turmoil. (Bring me some of that Springpaw!)

Warlocks - Having control over Demons of all sorts as well as being able to summon fellow players is just... wow. I mean, it might be a bit boring through the middle of it, but starting out, and then reaching your destination (70, or 80 if you have WOTLK) is Suuuuper dooper. (Translation: Magnifique.)

What are your expectations of this server?:
Being able to RP freely and creatively. Making friends. Knowing that their are actual admins/GMs that care about what's going on rather than responding to something 3 weeks later -coughofficialcoughcoughwowcoughGMscough- And... Meeting new, and creative people as well as hopefully not having to deal with (I'll call them) overly enthusiastic people wanting a whole lot more than normal RP.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
(Feel free to review our rules listed here.)

Quote: Language

No cursing or vulgarity in any public chat channel. Try to keep everything reasonably PG-13-rated. Being as how everyone automatically joins LFG, as an example, it really doesn't need publicly-inappropriate content. This also goes for the forums. Any OOC discussion that is R-rated and up needs to go in the Adult channel (type /join Adult). Again, derogatory comments will not be allowed in this channel, either.

These topics in ANY OOC channel (even /Adult) will result in a kick or ban

* Rape

* Racism

* Drug use

We also request that things like OOC politics and religion not be discussed directly on the server or forums. There are plenty of places to have intelligent conversations about these topics on the internet, and we have no interest in the OOC drama it inevitably breeds. We don't mind if you discuss it elsewhere but leave this baggage at the door when you come to CotH.

It's annoying when people talk about another person's ethnicity derogatorily, bringing it on and on, rubbing it in and then proclaiming whatever their race is to be the superior.
As well as them speaking of their...sexual, haha, conquests and how they've "Smoked so many blahblahblahs feels so good, munchies blah." It's just GRAH! I don't want to hear about it. Most of the people talking about this stuff are usually only 13-16, and (I noticed in someone's introduction) probably played GTA:SA - MP, everything is imaginary, yet so real for them. "Durr... I'm gonna rape you in Arena" "Durrr, I raped like 5 Horde when they tried to attack Stormwind" "Oh, My gear is so great, I could rape you instantly in a duel" or something...


We intend to keep this server as friendly and open-minded as possible. For that reason, do not harass other players, and refrain from making comments or jokes that are, or might be seen as, derogatory to a particular race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. This is not acceptable in ANY OOC channel.

Any racist, sexist, or other derogatory OOC chat will get you banned. There will be no warnings issued.

Just because someone is different doesn't mean to point it out and ridicule them for it.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!: (This is something I wrote in January. I've posted it on another Message board under the name "Luso Clemens".)

To The Market

Today I, James Seren, went to the market.
Not because I wanted to, ooh, no. Definitely not.
People have to live, which is why I need to shop for:
1. Milk
2. Bread
3. Eggs
Ah... You never seem to have bread OR milk when you REALLY need them.
Eggs? No, not so much.
Anyway, I went to the market, everything as usual and normal.
Or so I thought...
Really, people now a days get to be crazier and crazier.
I zoomed into a parking space as a woman screamed and shook her fist at me, her giant SUV would NOT have fit in the compact spot.
Anyhow, I went into the store and here's what happened:
I'm in the bread isle looking for something cheap, mostly because there's no guarantee that I'll even finish the loaf, so I don't want to buy something expensive and have it mold.
Damn, OK. I'm in the isle and I notice something in the corner of my eye, which doesn't happen all too often, mostly because I tend to mind my own, I step back from the Webber's display and turn my head to get a better look... What the hell?
OK. Tell me this, someone, ANYONE! Is it normal for a cart to have seven spiked wheels and a pair of what look like giant bloody pincers?
Hell they look sharp. OK. Now, I might mention that earlier while in the dairy section I was annoyed by one of the usual clamoring children begging their mother for a "Yo-Squirt" or some such thing (Sometimes I wonder why they don't just leave their kids in the car, or better yet at home while they shop.) Anyway, the kid would not stop. He tried EVERY trick in the book! Pulling his mother's shirt/hair, kicking her, knocking against the cart, and screaming.
Ah, screaming... when asking nicely just won't do.
So, while he was doing all this I slowly began to feel like the blood in my head was leaking out of my ears, just when I was about to confront his mother, the noise STOPPED! Crazy, right? No.
I turn to see if the mother gave in, or if she shoved the yogurt bottle down the brat's throat (Ha-ha.) she was gone. Screaming child and all. The cart was still there though...
So, back to the bread isle.
I swear, if the cart had eyes, I'd bee in DEEP ****. I slowly grabbed the closest loaf of bread I could lay my hands on, keeping my eyes on the cart, then ran like hell for the checkout counter, did you think I'd leave without at least 2 of the things on my list?
I could hear the cart beast's squeaky wheels trundling behind me, I wasn't about to look back and see how close it was. I've seen enough horror movies to know what not to do.
I burst out of the Deli section and took a corner so fast my sneakers skidded on the floor, leaving dark streaks in my wake, I was puffing like a locomotive.
I could see the checkout stands dead ahead... they were full!
Yep. Even the express lane. Wish I could say they had people in them. I'd even take a hundred carts of children screaming for yogurt over this, but no... It was the same as what was behind me. Bloody seven wheeled pincer carts!
Hoo boy. Well, since I figured I wouldn't find any checkers and I could hear the cart behind me, I tucked the loaf of bread and gallon of milk under both arms and ran for the emergency exit down the cleaning supplies isle.
Hoo man! I could hear the whole swarm of them, their wheels squealing, squeaking, scratching and of course, violently shaking, coming after me.
The shelves on each side of me were rumbling, rolls of paper towel toppled off of the shelf, almost tripping me as they fell in my path.
I looked ahead, almost there!
Suddenly, a large display of toilet paper cascaded down in front of me, a cart had pushed it down trying to block my path.
Fortunately, there was a small gap!
I dashed through it, sideways, reliving my days as a running back in college for a brief moment...
Slamming into the Emergency Exit, the door flew open and I was outside!
I quickly got up and pushed myself against the door, holding it shut, I felt the carts crashing against it, jarring me forward, but not hard enough to knock it open. I glanced at my surroundings and saw it.
A heavy looking crate, perfect for keeping the door shut; Setting down my bread and milk I made a mad dash for the crate, grabbed it, and lodged it under the handle.
Breathing a sigh of relief, I picked up my groceries and skirted the building back to my car.

When I got home, I put the milk in the fridge and tossed the loaf of bread on my table... I don't think I'll be making any sandwiches any time soon...

The bread was smashed flat.


Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Pretty thorough application, sorry if I went on too much... :D Good job.