Conquest of the Horde

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Mabea one could play as an Elf child, being as they as they are still children at a rather old age by a Human's reckoning.
You aren't allowed to play children in general.
Cressy Wrote:Everything on wow-wiki is not true
Nostra Wrote:Yeah, WoWwiki is written by players. And players phail with a P H (and D).

I would have to disagree. Although Wowwiki is player written, in order to submit information you have to write up a citation of where you found said information and if it is not from a legit Blizzard resource then it will not be accepted for posting.

Back on topic, just stick with children that were born in your characters past and have fully matured. I don't see why anyone would want to play a small child anyway....
Pfft, the people who accepts information there are also players, and since I'm sure we've all seen how confusing the articles can be both lore-wise and grammar and spelling wise I'd not be prone to trust it without checking up other stuff too. Then it's the problem with how Blizzard hasn't been exactly linear with their Lore either, something cited from one book might be completely invalidated in another, but it will still be accepted on WoWwiki and written out in one article about [something] which makes it out to be the only truth, creates a lot of confusion if you don't have a fair grip around the Warcraft Lore yourself.

Anyway, seems the question has been answered, so let's not drag this out too long!
Nostra Wrote:
Quote:Caverns of Time.

Good thing those are ruled by the Bronze flight and that they won't let anyone use it for just anything.
Note the "Let", there. It'd be ridiculously unlikely, but on the off chance that that somehow worked, you also have the problem with paradoxes.

Time travel, in itself, would always cause a paradox no matter what.
To illustrate, I have drawings:

Okay, so first off, minus the aging my an old warlock, you could age them via time travel, but if you did that, reality would more or less fold in and try to compensate for the sudden lack of time in a large gap. This would probably end time.
Or you would alter the events of the past slightly, and this wouldn't be immediately apparent, but over time, everything would shift, more or less creating an alternate timeline where Orcs and Humans are best pals, the gnomes singlehandedly defeated the Burning Legion, and Arthas turned out to be a good guy.
[Image: 2eaj4nt.jpg]

OR, the child could be from the future, which would work great, until they got to the point in time of their own birth. This would essentially cause a paradox of two of the same being being in place, most likely resulting in both of them being destroyed.
Or you would alter the events of the past slightly, and this wouldn't be immediately apparent, but over time, everything would shift, more or less creating an alternate timeline where Orcs and Humans are best pals, the gnomes singlehandedly defeated the Burning Legion, and Arthas turned out to be a good guy.
[Image: 2vmfwjc.jpg]

Now, why did I do all that?
To more or less point out that the kid would have to age properly or we'd have to warp the entire server, which isn't likely at this time.
Thank you for your time.

~Edit: Sorry Nostra, didn't notice you saying for us all to shut up. I just really wanted to go on a rant about time travel.~
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