Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: We're all going on a, summer holiday...
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Hey all, guy behind Jared here. Turns out that I'm going on vacation to Cuba till the 21st of August tomorrow, and it's unlikely I'll have internet access while over there. It seems slightly anti-climactic (if that's the right word, eh) to me that I rejoin the server, level a character, do a lot of RP, and then fall off the map for two weeks, but ah well.

ICly, Jared will be escorting his (unseen as always) employer through Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes on some prolonged magical reagants gathering trip. I may end up writing something about it if I have nothing else to do.

Anyway, I'll see you all when I see you. Stay away from da voodoo and all that.
Just got back this morning after my flight was delayed four hours. Bleh. I had a good time, etc.
Welcome back :D