Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Draenei, Trolls, and Dwarves. Oh and AddOn Issues! >.<
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Well, after a while of thinking over what my next character will be I have my sights set on none other then the blue horned creatures more commonly known as the Draenei. After writing down just about everything for a profile in a Works document I realized... I can't keep up an accent for more than a few words In-Character! If worse comes to worse I can force myself to learn the accent and such however I was wondering if anyone knows of a good AddOn to use that can do that for me! =) If not as I said I can learn to keep that in the back of my mind when playing my Drae, but an AddOn would make the process of Roleplaying the Drae easier. Also... I am stupid when it comes to AddOn's and cannot even get FlagRSP to work so I maaaaaaaaaaaaay need some help with installing the AddOn, and by may I mean I will. My FlagRSP has been extracted to the AddOn's folder and it looks like everything is there but when I go to the list of AddOn's in WoW it does not come up, lemme know if you know how to fix it and thank you for helping!
As far as the accent thing, I think that it is COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY, especially for Draenei. It annoys me to no end when I hear people speaking with fifty million Z's in each word. Partly because they forget to stop speaking that way in their own language, but mostly it's because people tend to act dumber and more oblivious than they would if they were speaking normally.

Addons for accents are even worse, because they just make automated letter changes even when they make no sense. Like for Draenei when they replace all W's with V's even if it's at the end of a word. For example, "What" becomes "Vhat" which makes sense, but "Now" becomes "Nov" which is just plain stupid. Not to mention that my Draenei, Saanto, does not have any accent and I've gotten no complaints about that, so RPing a Draenei without an accent is fine.

As for Addon issues, FlagRSP just plain doesn't work for a lot of people I know (including me). It pretty much just chooses when it wants to show up on the list or not, so I just don't use it since it's so unreliable for me.

I hope this rant helps! :D
Yeah that Rant did help! I will just say whatever to those Fancy Accents I guess! As for FlagRSP, yeah it seems it never really liked me either... Oh well. =) As long as I know people won't be like: "Uhh.... Where be your accent Drae?" I can go without and be happy. =)