Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Age = Power? WTF?!
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Recently I was role-playing with a fellow grunt, the RP soon became a rather heated argument and nearly broke out into battle, before I was getting ready to throw down I recived a PM saying: "Is your character 10K years old?" Obviously confused I replied: "No, I do not believe she is that old..." Then this Grunt told me that age equals power, the older your character is the more powerful they are and they get OP advantages in fights. I argued about this and told her to contact Kretol or a GM to resolve this because that sounded totally rediculous to me. If this were true we would all role Elves who were as old as time, could a GM please resolve this issue? To me it seems like a person wanting their character to be OP and looking for a justification.
Uh... no. Age doesn't equal power at all. Age generally makes you smarter because you've seen a lot of stuff and you learn from it, but that hardly means you're powerful.
I agree, this idea seems like I said a cry for a more powerful character, this person then refused to Roleplay with me because I would not support their want for an overpowered toon, this is quite disturbing.
Really this should have been taken privately to a GM, though regardless it just seems they want a reason to be badass.
Rather then posting something here making it known to everyone you should PM a GM. It's a lot less spiteful as now this person is obviously going to read this if he/she is a active grunt.
But this also serves as a message to all others who might believe this.

Anywho, on topic, age does not equal power. An old commoner versus a young soldier? I think I'd put my money on the youthful man. It's all about who the character is, not age.
Since no names are mentioned it isn't that bad, and it also lets everyone know how the situation is in the case someone would actually believe that this is how it is.

Edit: Heh, what Monolith said, basically.
This post is not ment as an attack, however it does worry me that potentially I will get a ton of new players rolling elves and Draenei who are very very old and saying they get more power due to age.
Power isn't a good word to use for anything really. I mean, what measures power?

Certainly not age, or anything like that. I think a character is defined by ability when it comes to combat.

Experience has it's merits, but age has it's faults. Whoever told you that should remember this.
I think in a fight between a middle-aged man, say 47, and a young man about 20, the middle-aged man would win because he is experienced and has gained the ability to read other warriors actions through years of combat. This does not, however, mean that the young man doesn't have a chance. The young man may know a think or two and surprise the older gentleman. I guess my point is that they may be equal in power or maybe even the younger man being stronger, but experience goes a long way. Now I am not saying that an old guy with a lot of experience could whoop the asses of three men at once, I'm just saying that if the older gentleman was of a reasonable age and still physically fit he could kick the young man's ass.
However just because your character is old does not give you the right to demand an advantage in a fight, correct?
Of course not. You would have to have the history to back it up.
Also, you could be 41 years old and not know anything, and then have a 21 year old who has been training for most of his or her life come along... There is no question who you would bet your money on.
See this is where it gets hard to determin who is stronger. my character Tristen is 42 years old, I have survived three wars, the purging of my home, and Paladin training. am definatly not as strong as I was when I was 20 years old, but I see it as I sacraficed stamina and strength, for wisdom and exsperience. At the same time the older I am the more hatreds I carry along with me. Me being a vet of the second and third war, and a survivor of Stratholme, I am not going to accept orcs as friends lightly and I as a paladin hate undead so there will be no buddy buddying with the Forsaken. Bottom line is age dosnt equial power with ANY race. It just means you have been doing things longer, and the longer you do them the weaker you get physically but the stronger you get mentaly.
With age comes experience, but by no means does power come with experience.

It all depends on what kinds of experiences you character has. How "powerful" you character is depends entirely on the characters background/profession/occupation/training/whatever.

Many years of experience usually means you're quite good at what you do, but you don't necessarily have to be old to be experienced.

Simple answer to question above: Not really, no.

EDIT: Trying to sound smart at 5.30 in the morning was not a good idea.
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