Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: See you guys.
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I go to college tomorrow. Pretty excited about it, honestly. My enthusiasm, it cannot be contained.

Bad (or good, depending on who's reading) news, though, is that I won't be playing WoW at college, at least not this semester. Taking a pretty rigorous schedule, and I need to waste my hours reading indecipherable textbooks, not RPing.

Worse (no question here) news, though, is that I'll likely still pop in to the Vent occasionally, meaning that you guys on there will still have to put up with me.

For the most part, though, it's been a good 5 days back. So yeah. Good bye, it was fun, I'll be back whenever.
Yeah, you're really just in it for the drinking...

Tell me how it is. Have a great time out there in the (slightly) wider world.
Have fun! Good luck!
Good luck!
Have fun and study hard!
Another to go.. I can't think of a better reason though. I decided to lay off WoW during my first semester at college too (at least paying for retail). Do pop in every now and then!
Sadly, SADLY. I'm going to miss you brosef. Make sure you stil have some dignity left if/when you return, Alright?

In this life, we all ask questions.

Questions like, "Why am I here?" and "What does life mean?" and "Do good and evil have any real meaning?" I can't actually answer any of these questions with what college has taught me, but I can say that the answer's whatever you want it to be. I can also say that there are times when you realize that what you've been going for is a complete waste of time, and have to take a few steps back and rethink everything.

This isn't one of those times, though. This is just a return post.

Hey, everyone, how's it been?
Ahmahgahd it's Baulten! Eeeeeeveryone you know is gooooone! ...Cept Saanto. :3
Terant Wrote:Ahmahgahd it's Baulten! Eeeeeeveryone you know is gooooone! ...Cept Saanto. :3

I stalk the forums every now and then :)

Welcome back to CoTH, Balten. Unfortunately, Thaddaeus wont be there to welcome you back as well.