Conquest of the Horde

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Adding Black Vitriol (9262) to the Gem Vendor in AB would be lovely for Alchemists. :D
I wouldn't be against that, it was a pain in the ass to get it when I was trying to make my Philosopher's stone (or whichever stone it is). to get it naturally you have to find a miner and have him mind certain nodes to sometimes get one, not sure how uncommon they are but since we don't have many players investing in gatherer professions it can be rather hard to get.
Not only that, but I mined one earlier today... And it was soulbound.
I was just asking about this in /chat earlier today. Having this available in Arathi Basin would be great.
On a related note, adding in the oils Alchemists use would be very nice. You have to fish to get them, and fishing is mostly broken, which makes this a problem. ^^;
Yes, along with adding Goblin Rocket Fuel to the Engineering supplies. Otherwise I have to farm a material alot and run it through a high-levelled Alchemist just to get ONE fuel item, and for most I need like 5.